The pain you give and take away. [Oumota]

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"Ouma! Come back!"
I heard him yell from afar, I knew I couldn't run in this condition but I couldn't let him ruin my plan. I had to get away.
I turned a sharp corner and stumbled down the street, trying to run as much as I could but being unable to. I hissed as I clenched onto the wound on under my lower rib as it soaked my hand in blood. I took a turn into the alleyway and hid behind one of the large dumpsters. I had to hope that I lost him, because I knew if I didn't...
I wouldn't be able to do shit.
I took my scarf off and wrapped it around my hand, just so I could stop a bit of the bleeding. It wasn't large enough for me to wrap around my body fully, and I had to find a better way to hold to there. I was already feeling dizzy from the blood loss but I couldn't stop now. I had to continue.
I stood up, using the wall as support and headed out of the alleyway. I could head back to my dorm, he doesn't know where it's located and he'll probably still think I'm outside somewhere.
I continued my way to my dorm, it wasn't that far, I could manage to do it as long as there were minimum distractions. Luckily it was nighttime and he was the only one out to get me.
I dragged myself all the way to my dorm, and collapsed onto the floor when I got there.
"Fuck... shit god damn it.."
I clenched onto the wound, it wasn't the only one I had but it was the deepest. A swing of an axe could've broken my rib, but I was lucky enough that he couldn't swing it properly, otherwise my situation would be a lot worse.
I panted, not just from exhaustion but also from the pain. The adrenaline was running out. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my body. The more I was to tense up, the more it'd hurt. But even if I wanted to, the loud slam of a door opening would immediately fuck it all up.
I stood up and backed away against the wall. He was there. Kaito Momota. I thought he didn't know where I was, turns out I was wrong.
"God damn it Momota! Just leave me alone!"
I yelled, wincing in pain as I held onto the wound.
He walked over to me. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what he'd do. I grabbed the vase and attempted to swing at him, but he grabbed me by the wrist and shoved my arms against the wall.
I was weak compared to him. He was mainly unharmed, and though I have a high pain tolerance, I still felt weak and exhausted.
"Let-.. me go!"
I kept yelling, trying to get out of his grip but he pushed me down onto the floor
"For fuck's sake let me help you!"
He covered my mouth. I couldn't really bite him, and licking his hand would do honestly nothing. He let go of my mouth and took out a first aid kit.
"I don't want your help, just leave me alone you fucking asshole!"
I couldn't push him away, my body had gave out. He knew I was vulnerable, but yet he was still being careful. Who the fuck hits someone with an axe and then worries about them as if they didn't do it intentionally...
He unbuttoned my blouse and examined my wound. It wasn't the most comfortable situation but I knew it was necessary. He opened the first aid kit and took out a tissue, which he put water onto and started cleaning the wound.
"Ow.. fuck ow ow ow! God damn it be gentle!.."
I gripped onto his hand, trying to pull it away with whatever strength I had left.
"Let my arm go. It's going to hurt, I need to clean it though."
I stared at him for a moment and stopped trying to push it away, but still held onto it. Gripping harder every time it hurt but not fighting it.
He started disinfecting it, which was a lot worse than just simply cleaning it. It hurt like fucking bullshit.
"Ow fuck.. shit that hurts-.."
"Obviously, now shut the fuck up, I'm trying to concentrate."
He tapped the cotton a few more times before putting it aside and bandaging up the wound.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?"
He questioned. I just rolled my eyes as a response.
"Come on Ouma, just let me help you..."
He had an almost pleading face, as if he really just wanted to help. But why should I trust him?
"Fuck off... You did- ow- enough already.."
I rested my hand on top of the bandages, looking away as it's still a bit uncomfortable to have my chest exposed, especially to him.
He sighed and rested his hand on mine, he still cared... after everything, all these years?
"I'm sorry, please just let me help you. I'll leave you alone after I just want to make sure you're safe."
He bullshitted, but I didn't care. I knew I couldn't make him give up, he's stubborn. So I gave in and sat up, taking my blouse off completely to make it easier for him.
"Don't even think about taking advantage of me. I don't fucking trust you, but you won't shut up..."
I gripped onto his shoulder for support, knowing that I didn't have the strength to keep myself up.
He checked me, making sure any other wound was cleaned up and bandaged. Bandages weren't the most comfortable feeling... damn it.
He picked me up and set me down onto the bed against the pillow, making sure to be careful. He sat down at the edge of the bed, still staring at me.
"Do you want to bandage your legs by yourself? I know you've been injured there because you kept falling in a strange way, but in a pattern."
"I'll manage..."
I replied, picking up the aid kit and hissing in pain. I lifted the sleeves up and started bandaging my legs up, completely unbothered about not cleaning them, but some asshole here was bothered.
"You dumbass. You didn't disinfect them."
He climbed onto the bed a bit away from me.
"I know dipshit, I don't care."
I shot back, resting back against the soft pillow. Hoping that was the end of it. Oh how wrong I was...
"Well I do."
He removed the bandages from my legs and started cleaning the wounds up.
"You can't even wrap the bandages properly, how stupid are you?"
He looked up at me as I hissed in pain from the alcohol.
"I'm definitely- ow- less stupider than the dumbass in front of me..."
I smirked, but that didn't last long as I was met with the terrible pain from the disinfectant.
After he was done bandaging the wounds up, he didn't move but rather sat there in front of me. Almost as if he wanted to say something but couldn't form the words to. I couldn't either. Why would I? That bastard nearly fucking killed me. Yet he was still sitting here, cleaning up my wounds and caring for me. Why? Why wouldn't he just leave me alone...
"Are you just going to sit there or something?"
I broke the awkward silence that was rising, before it reached an unbelievable level.
That's all he said. He didn't even move, he just stared at me and gave me his shitty apology.
Before I could even react, he crawled closer and...
He hugged me. It didn't even hurt, it just felt... nice. I didn't even know how to react, other than to just hug him back. What was with this dumbass? Why do I keep coming back to him... even after everything we've done to each other. From poisoning, to shooting, to stabbing, to just full on betrayal.
We didn't want to lose each other did we? Because I knew he was the only person who willingly stayed by my side, and cared for me. And I was the only person who didn't give an obvious fuck about him, who made him aware that he needs to be careful.
I hated it. I hated the fact that I loved him too much to comply to what I was told to do.
I pushed him slightly away, gripping his shirt.
"I fucking hate the way you make me feel Momota..."
I finished the sentence by pressing my lips against his. I knew this wasn't the end, but I wanted to cherish this, just for a little while...
'I hate you Momota...'

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