That checkered scarf. [Oumota]

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"Phew, I feel pretty exhausted right now, a small rest wouldn't hurt."
I said as I stretched out while making my way towards my dorm, I had just finished my daily workout routine and was pretty tired for today so I'm reading for some rest.
As I had entered the dorm hall, I noticed something laying on the ground a bit from the stairs. I walked over and picked it up, it was a checkered bandanna and I immediately knew who's it was.
Obviously Ouma's since he's mainly the only one who wears a bandanna like this one. But he was no where to be seen, and he couldn't have just dropped it here. I started to worry so I decided to go ask Shuichi for help, maybe he'd know that to do.
I turned around and started walking away, making my way down the hallway. I looked around trying to find him when I finally found him in a classroom in front of the staircase.
"Hey Shuichi! I kinda need your help.."
He jumped as my yelling echoed through the room.
"Oh! What is it you need Kaito?"
He stood up and walked over to me, that's when I remembered he was shorter than I am. Not the topic right now. I lifted up the checkered bandanna and showed it to him.
"This is Ouma's, isn't it?"
I asked as he inspected it, he gripped onto it and took it from my hand, allowing me to drop my arm down to rest besides me.
"Yeah, where'd you find it?"
He asked, tilting his head slightly when looking up at me.
"It was in the dorm hall, right at the middle too and I thought you'd know more about what to do."
I responded as he looked back down at the bandanna, staring to turn it slightly.
"Did you see him anywhere?"
He questioned me again as I thought a bit.
"No, I haven't seen him at all today."
I looked at the door, thinking that I would find someone staring, but nothing.
"There are a few drops of dried blood on the top of the bandanna, right at the spot under his chin."
He said, now getting worried about him.
"Should I get everyone to meet up in the dining hall, maybe they'd know more."
I asked.
Shuichi nodded as a response, so we both went our ways to find everyone and bring them to the cafeteria, getting some help from the others until everyone was now in the cafeteria.
"Why are we here exactly? I was busy working y'know!"
Iruma yell, well everyone was either confused or pissed at us for randomly dragging them to the cafeteria.
"Well, we found Ouma's scarf that had a few drops of blood on it and we just wanted to ask if anyone had seen him."
Shuichi replied to Iruma's comment, I nodded, supporting Shuichi.
"Why should we and you care? I thought you hated him?"
Asked Harumaki with her stone cold expression like always, I kinda wish I could see her smile more but she's beautiful in any way.
"I do hate him, but he's still one of us and I really don't want to deal with another class trial."
I sighed, trying to get everyone to help out because I really could not do it myself.
"Fine, I don't care about that degenerate, I'm only gonna help because none of us want a class trial."
Groaned Chabashira.
"Gonta think Ouma in dorm!"
We all turned to Gonta, he does have a good point.
"I'll check there then, you guys search other areas."
I ordered everyone and left to go back to the dorm hall.
I walked down the long blue halls that lack much light, being careful to not get ambushed by anyone. I made it to Ouma's dorm and stepped forward. I looked down at the handle and noticed that it was slightly uneven to the line that separate the dorm hall from the form, meaning that the door was open.
I placed my hand onto the door and slowly pushed it open just enough for me to slip in, and of course..
There he was.
He didn't have his jacket on, so you could see his slender body very well, coming from that small light that illuminated his figure. He was staring at the wall, fidgeting with something.
I called out after realizing I've stared for long enough, he slightly jumped but turned to me, his eyes wide but relaxed afterwards.
"Ah! Momota-chan!"
He smiled brightly, revealing his sharpened teeth that resembled shark teeth, but what was off was that there was a slight hint of dried blood coming from his mouth.
I closed the door behind me and walked over, making sure I was at least a few meters away from him.
"Keeping your distance, hm? Well, don't worry! I won't do anything."
He smiled viciously while turned his head back and standing up. He turned around and started walking towards me, his hands behind his back.
"Well? Why is Momota-chan here?"
He asked, tilting his head the other way.
"I-I found your scarf outside and just wanted to return it to you."
I felt my face warm up for some reason, I tried to avert eye contact but it seems like Ouma wanted to bother me.
"Suree, it's definitely not because you were trying to find an excuse to kill me before anyone else could, definitelyy."
He dramatically leaned back, rolling his eyed playfully as I stood there in shock.
"Just. Take your scarf and I'll leave."
I lifted my arm up to hand him the scarf, but he just stared at it with an expression that said "booringg."
I asked as he looked up at me, a smile creeping up on his face as he took a step forward, taking the scarf and throwing it onto the bed. He grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me closer, wrapping his hands around my neck. He was surprisingly strong honestly.
"I'm surprised you, out of everyone had decided to show up to me. I thought you hated me Momota."
He placed his thumbs on the sides of my face as I rested mine on his pale body.
"I-I do.. I just don't want to go through another class trial.."
I looked away, getting more and more embarrassed by time. He smiled at me, and I noticed blood coming from his mouth.
"Are you.. bleeding?"
I asked as I forced him to open his mouth, his long tongue was covered in a bright red substance which was probably blood. I let go of his tongue to allow him to speak.
"Maybe I am."
He smiled again.
"What happened.."
I questioned him, wanting to know why his tongue is bleeding.
"I slit my tongue."
He said, with a completely blank face as if it weren't the most fucked up thing to tell someone.
"You must've came for me because of those few drops that dropped onto my bandanna, am I right?"
He questioned me back, pulling me closer until our faces were inches apart.
I didn't pay attention to what he said, I was more focused on the tongue issue.
"Why did you cut your own tongue, doesn't it.. hurt?."
I asked, trying to seem as calm as possible, even though I was pretty disturbed in reality.
"Cause I'm fucked up, and because I wanted to."
He smiled, eyeing my hands that were still in contact with his smooth pale skin.
Before I could even continue my sentence, he placed his lips against mine, taking me by surprise.
I was shocked for a bit before pulling him close enough that he was against me and returning the kiss, I tasted the blood in my mouth but I didn't care at that moment. It's not every day you get to kiss your hot rival.
We broke apart with a string of saliva connected to our lips, licking away the string, he smiled at me and grabbed his bandanna.
"It was nice to hang out with you Momota, but you should probably let the others know that you found me if you don't want to waste their time."
He exclaimed, realizing that I should've done that in the first place.
"You can come over after the nighttime announcement though, I'll be waiting."
He smiled before turning back and putting on his coat, that hinted to me that the conversation was over so it was time to leave.
I turned around and walked out, I decided to let everyone know that he's alright.


I sat on my bed, staring down at the floor and thinking over and over again about what happened. His complexed characteristics, his slender figure, his soft lips pressed against mine. I couldn't get it out of my head, maybe I should visit him..
I mean, this all happened because of that one checkered scarf.

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