I didn't mean to. (Maki's survival execution)

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Maki's pov:
There it was before us, the way out. I never expected to survive this long but.. I'm glad to know that I can continue for everyone that we lost on the way.
"Nyeh, do we go?"
Asked Himiko.
"It's best if we start finding a way to get up there before anything."
I replied to Himiko's question.
"Alright, let's do this."
Said Shuichi in a soft yet sad tone.
Shuichi took a step forward and then everything went black, both Himiko and Shuichi were no where to be found. It was just a dark endless space.
"Himiko? Shuichi? Where are you both?"
I asked.
The question echoed across the place until it became quiet, I started hearing whispers from behind me, so I turned around and saw everyone.
"You're a monster!"
"We really should've locked you up."
"You could have protected us!"
I stared at the figures as the surroundings grew a brighter red, all that was black was the individuals and the floor.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I swiftly turned around only to be greeted by Kokichi and Tsumugi, they were both wearing a Monokuma mask and staring at me.
"What is this?!"
I yelled at them, but they both just laughed.
"It's a game of course!"
Ouma replied.
"Wh-What do you mean?!"
"You have to survive or else, you die!"
Tsumugi replied this time.
"Start by.. RUNNING AWAY!"
I was shocked, but I didn't dare to run away, I wasn't afraid.
"Hm? You're not afraid?"
They both asked in unison.
"I'm not leaving without a fight."
I replied.
A gun then fell from above, and I swiftly picked it up, pointing directly at them.
They raised their arms up.
I looked around and noticed they disappeared, everyone else including them both appeared around me.
They all had different weapons that matched their ultimate talents, most of them who look like they have innocent object, have spikes on it.
They started moving around at a high speed, I loaded the gun and took out my knife, being aware of my surroundings. I heard movement from behind me, so I moved out of the way and swung my knife at whatever it was. And then I realized who it exactly was.
I was shocked.
He tumbled to the ground with blood dripping down from his face, and a large cut on his chest which must've been from the knife. I dropped my weapons and ran over to him.
"K-Kaito! Are you okey?!"
I asked but got no reply.
"Bold of you to let your guard down."
I could see a wicked smile form across his face.
Before I could react, he moved his arm swiftly, and I noticed he had a knife.
Before I could move out of the way, it was already plunged into my chest which caused me to spit out blood. I looked down at him, as he pulled me closer into a hug, causing the knife to cut deeper into me.
"Die with me Maki-Roll! It'll be us two in the after-life, together!"
He sounded so happy that it caused me to smile.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't.. save.. y-you."
My vision went B L A C K again.

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