I'm too tired.. (Himiko's survival Execution.)

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Himiko's pov:
There it was, I was finally free of the killing game, and I'm not alone as well. Shuichi and Maki are here with me, and I'm glad.
"Nyeh, do we go?"
I asked them both.
"It's best if we start finding a way to get up there before anything."
Maki replied.
"Alright, let's do this."
Said Shuichi in his regular emo tone.
As he took a step forward, I felt a slight pain as if I had a headache but extra painful. I gripped onto my head and squinted my eyes shut, I waited for a moment ti'll it stopped hurting so much before opening my eyes and got greeted by Monokuma's face.
I screamed before falling onto the ground.
I looked up and noticed it was Kokichi with Tsumugi standing behind him, they both had a Monokuma mask covering their faces as blood dripped down from it, almost made me wanna throw up.
"Soo, Himiko! Would you like to play a game of cat and mousee with us?"
Asked Kokichi.
"I'm too tired to deal with your BS!"
I yelled back at him.
"But are you sure you don't wish to try and survive?"
Asked Tsumugi.
I didn't hear the last part, but I was getting a bit tensed up.
I yelled back.
"Don't yell at us."
They both demanded in unison.
I yelled back.
Before I knew it, a spike propelled my stomach which caused me to get lifted up to my feet. As the spike decanted back into the floor, I fell to the ground and coughed up blood.  I felt tear stream down my face before I collapsed, I looked up to see Angie and Tenko standing in front of me.
"T-Tenko.? Angie.?"
"Join us in the after-life Himiko!"
"Yeah! It's so fun!"
They kept trying to get me to join ti'll I lost all of my strength.
"F-Fine.. but only b-because I.. miss you.. b-both."
I coughed up more blood before falling unconscious, or rather.. dead. Everything in front of me, was
B L A C K.

DANGRANONPA ONESHOTSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora