I'll protect you. (Yonameno)

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Angie's pov:

There I was, still dead and walking around the school. Chabashira-san was scolding Shinguji-kun like always, and the rest were just resting or talking with each-other. The 5th class-trial had passed and everyone had left to their dorms, while we spirits were just hanging around. It hurts to see the rest suffer without us, yet I still smile because I believe in them. I decided to visit Yumeno-san and see how she was doing. I walked through the walls to the stairwell of the dorms, looking for her dorm. I walked up the stair-well and through the dorm room, only to see her kneeling on the floor crying. What had happened to her?

Himiko's pov:

This is too much, too much for me to handle. I burst into tears and buried my face into my hands, the air suddenly felt cold so I knew there was someone here, yet I ignored it.

"I guess.. only god can save me."

I smiled through the pain and thought about everything, ti'll I heard a voice.

"Then I'll be your god.."

It was quiet, but I could hear it.. Angie.?

"Angie? Is that.. you?"

I asked while almost choking on a sob.
I didn't get a reply, I just sat there staring into space. I guess I can't hear her anymore, I felt the cold breeze wrap around me, so I guess I got a hug.. at least a hug I can barely feel is enough. I smiled and felt new tears stream down my face, I was happy to know that Angie was her with me.

"I love you."

Back to Angie's pov:

"I guess only god can save me."
Those words cut me deeper than a knife, it hurt yet I knew I couldn't do anything. But I promised that I'd protect her, even if I'm dead, I'll give her the luck to survive ti'll the end.

"I love you."

I was shocked from the sudden words, I saw a small smile on her face while tears ran down her face, I smiled as well.

*I love you too.. Himiko.*

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