Tired or just stressed? (Platonic Oumota)

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Ouma's pov (obviously):

Great.. another day of figuring out what to do, I still can't find the mastermind and I can't find the motivation to think of anything for the plan. This is exhausting, I just want a break but then I'll be bored with nothing to do.
I sighed as I got off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe, I didn't feel like wearing my usual outfit today so I just grabbed a white slightly over-sized T-shirt, my scarf and some slightly over-sized jeans.
I changed my clothes and put on my scarf before heading to the bathroom and wiping the make-up I use to hide my freckles, today I want to be myself for once and I'm going to do so.
After I finished all of that, I quickly put on my gloves and rushed outside of my dorm. I looked around to see if anyone was there but nobody was to be seen, I rushed to the exit door which leads to the outside of the school and pushed it open before exiting.
I walked for a bit ti'll I reached a nice spot under a tree, I sat down with my back against the tree, staring at the star-filled sky. I've never stargazed before but if it really does clear your mind then might as well.
I heard ruffling from behind me but I didn't bother to check until I felt a presence that sat down next to me. I turned to face the spot of where the presence was and saw that it was none other than ThE lUmInArY oF tHe StArS, kAiTo MoMoTa.
"I never see you outside this late."
That's because I'm always fucking busy, you dumb fuck.
"I'm always busy planing a murder of course."
I smirked.
"I'm going to ignore the last few parts, but how come you're wearing something different this time? I thought you were strict about what to wear."
He asked.
"I felt like giving myself a break after everything, it's not often it happens but oh welp."
I replied.
I turned to face him and noticed he was staring at me, what's he thinking about now?
"You have freckles?"
Wait he noticed that?!
"No, it's just bread crumbs thrown on my face."
I replied sarcastically.
"Of course it's freckles."
He stared at me in shock.
"So you hide them?"
He tilted his head.
"Yeah, like you said, I'm very strict about myself and blah blah."
He had a blank expression before smiling brighter than the stars.
For some reason, that smile always gave me the urge to smile as well, it just makes me happy. So without a thought I smiled back.
"It's nice to see you smile without the mischief behind it."
He chuckled.
"Hey now! That's just mean!"
I lightly hit him on the shoulder while laughing.
"But why did you come talk to me? I thought you found me annoying and best to avoid."
I asked with a serious face.
"I've noticed you've been pretty out of it, you seem more and more tired every day and it's been worrying me."
He replied.
Worried? He's worried about someone as terrible as me? He shouldn't be, he should despise me.
"I probably just have a restless sleep."
I shrugged.
"Or maybe you're just stressed."
He replied.

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