Cigarettes. (Pregame Saimatsu?)

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I was walking home as school has finished, as I passed and alleyway, I smelt smoke coming from it. I pass it quite often and never really smell smoke, it's mostly because it's not far from the school and it would be harmful if any students had smelt it, so I decided to check it out.
I walked into the alleyway, following the smoke. I turned the corner and to my surprise, I saw a person smoking, Akamatsu.
She seemed to have gotten startled and swiftly turned to me.
"Saihara! What are you doing here? And don't scare me like that ever again!"
Like I can promise that.
"Why are you smoking anyway, you're not even old enough and how'd you even get it?"
She stared at me before putting out the cigarette and walked over to me, she gripped my shoulders, she turned me so my back was facing the wall before pushing me against it and pinning me to it.
"That's none of your business, you're just gonna rat me out anyway."
What type of person does she think I am?!
"I'm not going to do that, it won't teach you shit."
I glared at her.
"Whatever, just leave me alone."
I didn't want to do this, but I had to.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close enough to grab the other one, and pressed them against the wall.
"You really think I'm gonna allow you to leave so easily, sweetheart?"
I smirked.
"Someone likes to play as well it seems."
She smiled.
"Now, will you kindly explain to me why were you smoking?"
"Will you let me go if I do?"
She asked.
"Not immediately as I have other questions, but then I'd gladly."
I replied.
She seemed to be annoyed by my patience, I'm used to waiting anyway.
"I got tired of dealing with everyone and pretending to be perfect, my dad has been stressed lately and always explained how cigarettes help with stress, so I decided to try it out and it did actually help me relax more easily."
I stared at her.
"That's just what makes it addictive, but it'll lead to lung cancer which is deadly. But next question."
"Hurry up!"
It was a funny sight to see her powerless.
"How did you even get the cigarettes?"
She seemed to have tried finding a lie but I guess that plan of her failed.
"Like I said, my dad smokes as well so I just took some from him, it's not like he cares anyway."
She seemed upset by the mentioning of her father, it made me curious.
"I guess that's all, but please don't smoke. If you want, you can talk to me or get a therapist, though I doubt that'll help you."
"Fine, just let me go."
I let go of her wrists and stepped back, giving her space.
"Are you going to rat me out?"
"No, I won't. You'll have to find a better way to cope with it though."
We both smiled before heading our own ways.

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