I'm sorry. (Shironaga)

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This is an alternative universe in where the entire game was just a VR (If it isn't already-).

Tsumugi's pov:

I knew it was the end, I was kinda upset at the fact that it was ending, but then I realized what is going to happen. They found out I'm the mastermind and I'm gonna be waking up soon, I better get prepared to run then. Just then everything went black. I guess I died, I waited a few moments before groaning at a slight headache and opening my eyes.
I looked around and realized I was inside the pod, laying on the small bed. I got up and checked the window, seeing that Kaito and Rantaro were making their way here, so I had to think quickly. I stepped to the side of the window where I hoped to Atua that I wouldn't be caught, Rantaro pressed the button and they both entered. Without thinking, I quickly slid past them and sprinted out.


I didn't dare to look back, I just ran through the halls and not really paying attention. I accidentally bumped into someone which caused me to stumble back, it was Angie.



I felt a tear form before I kept running, I didn't think about the consequences but I had to keep running. I looked to my side and noticed the bathrooms, the best I could do is hide in there I guess?
I sprinted into the girls bathroom and locked myself inside a stall, I didn't know how long I could stay hidden, but all I needed to do was try my best. I heard the door open and someone step in. Oh god, Oh god, PLEASE NO!

"Tsumugi? Are you here?"

Angie's pov:

I was taking a small walk when someone bumped into me, it was Tsumugi and she seemed really panicked.


I questioned what happened in my brain, it's been difficult without a voice to help, so I had to get used to it.


I heard someone yell and Tsumugi started running again, I just stared from behind ti'll Rantaro and Kaito ran up to me.

"Have you seen Tsumugi?"

From the panicked expression, I'm gonna guess they were trying to catch her but why?

"No, Angie has not seen Tsumugi! May Angie know why you're looking for her?"

"I guess you weren't there, we all agreed that when the mastermind is revealed, we'd try and catch them to get answers but Tsumugi was too fast."

"Ah! Alright, Atua wishes you good luck!"

And with that, they walked the other direction, I turned around and headed towards where Tsumugi ran. The bathroom door seemed slightly open instead of closed so I guessed she went in there. I opened the door and stepped in before closing it again.

"Tsumugi? Are you in here?"

I heard a small gasp coming from one of the stalls.

"Don't worry! Angie and Atua will protect you from the fear!"

I waited patiently before I heard a click from one of the stalls, Tsumugi peeked through the door before walking out of the stall. She rubbed her right arm, avoiding eye contact.

"A-Are you not mad at me?."

"Why would I be?"

"I'm the mastermind after all.."

"You just played your role, you didn't seem to have any intention in actually harming us."

I heard a faint sob coming from her, she rushed towards me and gave me a big hug which made us both fall to the ground, I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed circles on her back.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really am!"

"Sh.. don't worry! It's alright."

After sometime, she stopped crying but didn't let go.

"Maybe we should go to Angie's dorm! That way you'll be safe!"

"I-I'd like that.."

Extra line:


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