His regret is my guilt.

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"Kaito! We're home!"
A voice echoed through the rooms, but no reply was heard. Guessing that maybe he just didn't hear it or they couldn't hear his response, they called out again.
"Kaito?! We brought you something!"
A different voice called out, but there was still no answer. Shuichi and Maki were getting a bit worried, but it's Kaito, he wouldn't get hurt right? Right?
"I'll go check on him, could you put the groceries away?"
Shuichi asked Maki as he placed down the bags on the kitchen counter.
"Sure, let me know if you need my help though."
Maki replied, picking up the other bags and also bringing them to the kitchen.
Shuichi smiled and walked away, heading upstairs. He had noticed a change in Kaito's behavior. He's been pretty isolated these few days, but he would either deny it or not tell them at all when they asked about it. They were worried about him, but neither of them could do much about it cause of his stubbornness.
Shuichi snapped out of his thoughts as he reached Kaito's door, he grabbed onto the handle and pushed open the door. The room was dark, his dim star lights being the only thing that illuminated the room. There was a figure lying in his bed. Shuichi walked over and slightly pulled back the cover, making sure not to wake Kaito up even if he was a deep sleeper. He was resting peacefully in bed, his face wasn't exactly visible but that's alright. Shuichi smiled and pulled back the cover so it was as before, then headed downstairs to help Maki out with the unpacking.
As he reached the bottom floor, he noticed that everything was already unpacked, the bags stored away as well.
'Have I been gone that long?'
Shuichi thought to himself as he walked over to the kitchen, seeing that Maki was taking a sip of coffee. She noticed a presence near her so she turned towards Shuichi, seeing his usual dorky smile that he had.
"Was I gone that long?"
He questioned as Maki smiled at him.
"I guess so, but that's for you to figure out Mr Detective."
She replied as she placed down her coffee mug.
"Could you set up the table while I start preparing some food?"
She asked, turning back to Shuichi.
"Of course!"
He approved as he walked over to the dining table.
Maki walked over to the fridge and opened it, taking out some frozen fries and a pack of chicken. While Shuichi put the places in front of the 3 chairs along with utensils and cups, as well as tissues. Maki took out a pan and placed it onto the stove after turning it on, turning on the oven to preheat as well. She doused oil onto the pan and plopped three pieces of chicken onto the pan, grabbing a spatula out and moving them a bit to cook fully. Shuichi walked over and helped Maki with what she needed assistance with.
After a while, the chicken and fries were finally finished. As Maki was moving the food onto the plates that Shuichi brought over, she spoke up.
"Shuichi, could you get Kaito for dinner?"
She asked as she grabbed another plate.
Shuichi nodded and rushed up the stairs, nearly tripping in the process. As he reached the door, he suddenly had a bad feeling. It wasn't common for him to get such a feeling, so it worried him a bit but hey, it's fine, Kaito will be alright! Shuichi grabbed the handle and twisted it, opening the door. Kaito was in the same position, everything was the same, which was a bit unusual. Shuichi brushed it off and walked over to the head part of the bed.
"Kaito, dinner's ready, you gotta wake up."
Shuichi bent down and tried to shake Kaito up, but instead something fell. Shuichi, all confused, pulled the covers off to reveal a doll that seemed similar to Kaito, the dimmed lights making it unnoticeable. He stared in disbelief before running downstairs, calling out to Maki.
"What is it Shuichi?"
She asked as she placed the plates onto the table, now with a confused look.
"Kaito- he-"
Shuichi tried to regain his breath, when he did, he finished his sentence.
"He's not in his room."
He said as he walked over, nearly falling if it wasn't for Maki.
"What do you mean?"
She questioned, escorting Shuichi over to the dinner table.
"I went to get him but I found a doll as a replacement."
He explained, taking a sip of his water. Maki sighed and just sat down as well.
"I think he went out again, without our knowledge. I just hope he comes back at a normal time."
She said, taking a bite of her food.
"Yeah.. I hope so..."
Shuichi replied, just staring at his food.
I climbed in through the window, struggling a bit at the loss of strength through all the drinks I've had. I'm surprised that I was sober enough to remember where to go. As I closed the window I looked up and saw Maki standing there, a frown plastered on her face. Shuichi wasn't with her though.
"You went out again. You promised Kaito."
She snapped me out of my thought. I regained my posture and replied.
"Look I'm sorry.. I promise it won't happe-"
But before I could finish my sentence, I felt a hard impact brush against my left cheek.
"You always say that! It never happens!"
Maki yelled, tears streaming down her face as she averted eye contact. My face stayed in the same position, turned to the side.
"I'm sorry Maki-Roll.."
I muttered, I turned my face towards her.
"No you're not! If you were, then you wouldn't have done it again! We had a promise Kaito!"
She admonished.
I hoped she wouldn't find out, this happened before, it's the same cycle. I can't help myself, I felt bad but I just... I sighed as Maki took a deep breath and turned towards the door.
"I really hoped you meant that promise for once."
She said after a sob, then opening the door and leaving my room. I was tired of this, I hated this feeling of guilt and regret. Especially when I'm barely sober.
I turned around and opened the window again, climbing through and leaving the area. I was tired and I needed some alone time. As I walked along the road, I thought to myself about all of the good memories. I didn't feel as great as I did during them, but it was partially a good thought. I loved them both really, I just couldn't help my addiction. I didn't want to be an alcoholic, I've tried to avoid it but nothing seems to work.
I was too lost in thought to noticed the car speeding towards me, it was dark in the night and I forgot the reflector. I turned around and as I wanted to move away, the car rammed into me, barely giving me time to even jump away. I flew forward, the car wheels running over my left hand and the hot engine brushing against my body. I felt a large pain on my stomach, I must have gotten hit in the stomach.. that didn't mean good news. I coughed up a bit of blood, trying to get up but my body was too exhausted from the drinks. I heard the person panicking and talking to someone, I also heard yelling but I couldn't make anything out. I closed my eyes and tried to relax myself, I felt numb.. was I going to die? I coughed up more blood, feeling my conscious sweep away. I felt everything disappear around me, now it was just my body lying there. Completely dull.
I guess it's karma.. I'm sorry Shuichi and Maki, I hope you'll forgive me one day..

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