Your Empty Expression. (Keebouma?)

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Keebo's pov:
Another school day, another wonderful day!
I thought as I made my way inside of the school, it was pretty gloomy around here, but I stay positive anyway. I walked through the halls to my class and sat at my desk, then I realized I was ten minutes early.
"Aw.. oh welp! At least I won't be late."
I accidentally said out loud.
I was thankful there was nobody around, as I don't usually speak, just try to communicate through paper or sign language.
"I never thought I'd hear you speak. Hah!"
I turned to the door to realize that a classmate of mine was standing there, I stared in shock and fear as he had just heard my voice.
"What's with that slightly robotic mix of a voice?! Freak!"
I kept staring and tried to ignore him, I rested onto the school desk and heard a slight yelp instead of mockery.
"If there's anyone who can mock him, it's me."
I turned to the door and noticed Ouma standing there, we never really talked but I found out about his name from others. Usually he just mocks me for my looks or anything similar.
I decided to ignore everything again and rested on the desk. I heard footsteps coming towards me so I lifted my head up only to see Ouma in front of the desk, he slammed his hands onto the desk but not too harshly while glaring at me. I gulped at his sudden action. He mumbled something before sighing.
"Listen, I don't know why you're in class because the teacher told us through email that we would have this class period free, but you shouldn't just ignore everyone."
I stared at him in a blank expression, before smiling a bit.
"Ah, I never checked the emails today nor yesterday, my apologies."
He stared at me with a slight shock and then I realized I spoke again, I covered my mouth and stared at the desk in fear.
He placed his hand on my cheek and lifted it up, staring at me which gave me a slight discomfort for a second.
"Come with me, and you can't say no."
He walked over to the entrance or exit of the classroom, waiting for me seemingly impatient.
I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder before making my way over to him.
I tilted my head and as if he knew, he responded.
"Outside, now come on."
We both started walking outside and when we got out, he looked around before gripping onto my wrist and pulling me behind the school, after dragging me for like five minutes he let go.
"God fucking damn it."
He seemed to have lost his temper and gripped onto my wrist again before pushing me against the wall.
"How come you never speak?"
I stared at him, still a blank expression. I don't know how to respond to that.
"I'm afraid of being judged for my voice."
I responded.
"Well, what happened for it to sound that way?"
He seemed quite curious which made me smile, I couldn't help but respond.
"A fire broke out in my old house when I was 8, I ended up losing my arm and both my legs because of the burns that were too severe, and my voice is because of all the smoke that I breathed in."
I was still smiling, why? It's not a good thing right?.
He stared at me with shock, before pulling me into a tight hug. I stared into space before returning it.
"I'm sorry."

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