Sorry, not sorry. [platonic oumasai?]

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I was sitting down on my chair, writing on a large piece of paper. Drawing lines, writing words, exploring ideas, those sorts of things.
It's been probably weeks or even a month since we've been forced into this killing game, we've lost already nine people. Nine. Out of pure greed to get out of here, there's nothing even outside, it's all horrible.
I stood up and walked to the whiteboard that I keep in my room, looking at all of the photos of my classmates. I looked over at Shuichi's picture, staring at it for a bit before my eyes landed onto the word written under it.
I whispered to myself, he seems trustworthy but can I be sure anymore. I stared at it for a bit before grabbing a marker, I took the cap off and wrote a question mark besides the word trustworthy. I then put the marker cap on the marker and placed it aside, looking bad at the other pictures.
I've been trying to figure out who the mastermind was, I need to find out as soon as possible.
I turned around and sat back onto the chair, leaning against the desk and continuing what I was doing before.
"Pathetic? Look at yourself Kokichi."
"Ha, we'll see who's pathetic soon."
I smiled viciously as I drew a final line on the press. It was coming along well.
I then felt a rumble coming from my stomach, realizing that I haven't really ate anything yet, ugh that's annoying. I got up from the chair and started heading towards the kitchen, I just hope nobody will be there.

I pushed open the door to the dining hall and looked around, I was alone luckily but I don't how how long that'll last so I better hurry up.
I ran into the kitchen and towards the fridge, I opened it and looked inside trying to find something to take. I grabbed some strawberries and water, wrapping my arms around it and running out.
As I stepped out, I saw Shuichi sitting against the dining table, his hands covering his face. I leaned to the side to see what was happening better but couldn't see shit, I placed down the strawberries and the water onto the shelf and walked behind him, just standing there awkwardly.
I felt a smile creep up on my face and placed my hands on his shoulder. I felt him jump slightly as my arm slithered around his neck, pressing against his throat.
He clawed at my arm, trying to pull it away but I didn't budge. I just covered his face slightly with my hand.
"What's wrong Shuichi? Didn't you call me pathetic before? Shouldn't you be stronger than I am?..."
I gripped his neck slightly and pushed his head up, still covering his face.
"Come on Shuichi! You wouldn't just let me kill you, would you?"
My smile grew wider and I retreated my arms and walked back to the front of the kitchen, picking up my strawberries and water then started walking off. Leaving Shuichi all confused as Tsumugi and Kaito entered the room.


I gripped onto my neck slightly, still regaining my breath.
"Hey Shuichi! Are you alright?"
I looked up to see Kaito and Tsumugi standing next to me.
"You seem rather out of breath, as if someone had choked you."
Tsumugi added.
Choked, yeah. I'm gonna have to deal with him later.
"No no, I'm alright! I'm just tired."
I smiled softly, trying to hold up the lie I made up. Maybe I do spend too much time listening to him...




I sat down onto the stairs near the dorms, I was pretty tired at the moment but I had to choice, I needed to talk to him.
I heard a door opening and someone stepping outside, I quickly dashed under the top floor of the dorms and covered my mouth.
"No one's here... good."
I heard a voice that sounded like him, he started taking steps and steps, walking down the stairs to the hallway. I quietly followed behind him, I had to think of a time where he'd have his guard down, even if he did know I was there.
"Tch. I have to think of something, of someone."
He said as he kept walking forward.
Someone? Why does he need a specific someone for? What is he planning...
He seemed to not have noticed me, but how can I be so sure? I'll just have to be quick then, I need to talk to him.
I ran forward and could see him turning around but before he could react, I tackled him and pinned him to the ground.
"Gah! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
He yelled.
"Shut up!"
I hissed back.
He lifted one of his legs up and kicked my stomach, pushing me back slightly away from him.
I gripped onto my stomach and clenched my teeth in pain, he just sat up and stared at me with a pissed look on his face.
"You couldn't have found a better way to catch me other than fucking pushing me onto the floor covered in a damn carpet?! I could've had a carpet burn if I wasn't wearing this damned jacket!"
He scolded me.
"S-Sorry, but you didn't have to kick me either! Especially in the stomach!"
I shouted back.
He sat up on his knees and pulled me closer, removing my hand from my stomach and inspecting it.
"Luckily I didn't kick you that hard, could've caused tissue damage."
He hesitated before continuing.
"Apply ice to it and you should be fine, you also might wanna stop working out with Kaito for today and perhaps tomorrow..."
He looked away as he retreated his hand, fixing his scarf before getting up.
He stretched out his arm, lending me a hand to get up. I gripped onto his wrist as he pulled me up.
"God you're harder to help up than I thought you'd be."
He snickered before running away, nearly tripping in the process.
"Bye Shuichi!"
I just stared and waved, I may have not had the chance to talk to him properly but of course he'd run away anyway.
I'm curious about him honestly, he's a good friend at some point...

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