Overworking [Post-game Hinasouda]

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Work work work work work, that's all that trailed Kazuichi's mind as he continued to tinker with machines in the garage. Every time he visited the Future Foundation, he'd indulge himself in the work he was tasked with, getting it done as soon as possible. Of course, it led to him avoiding sleep, chugging down energy drinks since coffee was too bitter for him, but even sugar only lasted so long. He sighed as he jabbed the screwdriver in somewhere, searching for the part before unscrewing it, chewing on his bottom lip, a small subconscious habit.
He was nearly done, just a bit more and he'd get it over with. The Future Foundation had asked him to build a guard of some sort, since live ones were only temporary and sacred, rather cold of them. But he was forced under supervision in a isolated garage, filled with cameras as he worked, which was kind of unnerving as it reminded him of the killing game's constant surveillance. But he couldn't blame them, he still used to be a remnant of despair, he couldn't really remove that title. Just like how a murderer would always be a murderer, or how a sex offender would always be a sex offender. Titles like that stick for obvious reasons, as punishments for what you've done. It'd be hard to live a normal life if you bury your hands in the grave of cruelty.
He sighed as he finally got the screw out of the tiny hole in the engine. This one was more complex and more stuffed, most of the bomb took up the space. Thankfully he was allowed to input it, because self detonation's better than being used as a spy, y'know? He chugged down the last bit of his energy drink before continuing to work. His body felt exhausted, but he'd gone through worse, so he didn't care. He needed this to be done with, and he was gonna do it, he smirked as he realized he was done, just a day more and—
Suddenly he felt a harsh grip on his jumpsuit, which lifted him up off of the ground, holding him hanging above it as he clutched his arms and legs up close to himself. He stared down at the floor with wide eyes before he turned his head, staring at the one who lifted him. Hajime Hinata, eh... or well... Hajime Kamukura (weird combination) stood there, holding Kazuichi up. It wasn't odd for him to be strong after having so many talents combined in one body, but it was still surprising to actually see it. He grit his sharp teeth as he tried to get Hajime to let him go.
"No fair! You can't just come out of nowhere and pick me up! I could've gotten a heart attack!" He yelled, grumbling as he flayed his arms, but was abruptly dropped onto the floor, letting out a yelp as he landed on his ass, "asshole."
Hajime just sighed as he tucked his hands into his pockets, staring down at Kazuichi, "you're overworking yourself again. You've been here for 3 days, it's time for you to sleep," he scolded him. His hand trailed up, tugging on the shock collar around his neck before he started to drag Kazuichi by it. The shock collars were just safety measures to prevent them from doing any harm, rarely were they ever used.
"Hey hey hey! No! Let me go you fucker!" He yelled, coughing a bit as he felt the collar dig into his neck while being dragged, his hands instinctively trying to loosen it, "you're gonna strangle me!" Thankfully Hajime stopped dragging Kazuichi by the collar, and instead picked him up, supporting him by his thighs as he continued to walk to their shared dorm.
"You're whiny when you're tired," he mumbled under his breath, not minding that Kazuichi had his legs wrapped around Hajime's waist, and his arms around his neck.
"Shut up, you husk of a being... I wanna go back to working," he grumbled, tugging on Hajime's shirt like a kid begging their mom for candy. The insults were harmless, considering they were true. With Hajime and Izuru combining, he stayed a husk of a being, but he at least gained individuality... or whatev's. Kazuichi never bothered to listen to his explanation.
Hajime just sighed, kicking open the door to the dorm, the collars automatically shutting down after they entered. Hajime pulled his own off and placed it on the desk with the several piles of files, he found the collars annoying but understood their importance. He pulled Kazuichi's off too, tossing it neck to his own before he kicked off his own shoes, leaving them by the bed. Kazuichi didn't have his shoes with him anyway, so they could go right to bed.
He sat down on the bed with Kazuichi sitting on his lap now as his hands trailed up, now holding Kazuichi's waist. "You need to stop being so careless, Kaz. Your health is important if you ever want to even think about continuing to work on machines, so stop making me have to remind you."
Kazuichi winced a bit at the harsh tone, but he didn't care much. He understood where Hajime was coming from, so he just sighed, his arms still wrapped around his neck, "I know, I know! I have nothing better to do here... I gotta do something at least!" He rambled, and was about to continue but he was shut up with Hajime kissing him, making his words end up as muffled groans as he melted into it, pulling Hajime closer. He let out a crooked grunt after Hajime pulled away, pouting as he felt his beanie get pulled off, preventing him from hiding his face.
"You're one sly motherfucker..."
"Is it cause I fucked your mom?"
"I told you to stop it with those jokes!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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