I was too late to be there for you. [Hinasouda]

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I looked around, I was searching for a specific someone but I wasn't sure where he was. I've tried asking but nobody had seen him all day it seems, which is strange as he's always outside during his free time. I will admit that I was a bit worried, but he couldn't be right? It's him after all!
One place I haven't checked is his cabin, so I could look there at least! I sprinted towards his cabin, nearly tripping in the process but managing not. As I reached his door, I gave it a good 3 hard knocks, hoping he'd answer. I heard rustling and something falling over, a lot of noises honestly.
"Give me a moment!"
I heard a voice yell out, he was alright and I'm glad about that.
"Take your time!"
I yelled back, hearing stuff calm down a bit.
I waited a bit but boredom got the best of me, so I started zoning out waiting for him to finish. Sometimes I wonder why he has to be so slow. I heard the door open, causing me to snap out of my zoning-out moment. He was wearing a basic orange shirt, and he looked rather a bit pale. Not entirely as his skin was naturally dark but he did seem paler, he also seemed dizzy for some reason.
"Oh! Hi Kazuichi, do you need something?"
He spoke up, snapping me out of my thought.
"Yeah actually! I wanted to ask if we could hang out today?"
I smiled.
"Yeah sure! I have some left over spaghetti if you wanna join me."
He smiled back as he let me in.
He left over to the kitchen and I just looked around a bit. His room seemed a bit messy, like it was a rushed clean up. I didn't pay much attention to it, as he was already back with food and beverages. He handed me over a plate of spaghetti and a cola while he sat down and placed his own food down.
"Thanks man! I love your cooking."
I praised as I ate a bit of it.
"Heh, I'm glad you like my cooking, I do my best!"
He replied.
He seemed rather out of it, as if something was off about him. He was zoning out, that was a bit too obvious.
"Hey Hajime, your food is gonna get co-"
As I was about to finish my sentence, a loud crash came from the kitchen, causing Hajime's face to immediately turn into a terrified look. He jumped up and darted to the kitchen. I stared in shock as I placed my food down and rushed over to the kitchen.
As I entered the kitchen, I saw two bottles of alcohol broken, lying on the floor that was now covered in the substance. I looked up and there was more in the cabinet.
"Hajime.. what is this?."
I hesitated to call out as I noticed he was gripping tightly onto his hair. He was shaking violently and I heard sobs coming from him.
I tried to step over to him but he immediately got up and turned around with a pissed look on his face.
"I-. Just leave me alone Kaz!"
He yelled as he pushed me to the side and ran out of the cabin, faster than I have ever seen him run. I tried to run behind him but I already lost sight of him as I stepped out.
I tried to search for him anyway. I asked everyone, even Monokuma, I even tried to use the map on my E-Handbook but he left it at the cabin. I couldn't find him anywhere, I wondered if I was maybe going at the opposite direction of him, but I couldn't do much.
I returned to the cabin and headed into the kitchen, I cleaned up the mess with the alcohol bottles, discarding the rest of the alcohol bottles and cleaning up a bit of the mess in his room, hoping he'd come back soon but he was no where to be seen and I was getting worried.
I decided to go check around once again, it was the evening and it was already dark. I ran around, hoping to find him, it was really dark and my vision isn't the best, I should've grabbed a flashlight, I'll just quickly get one...
I wiped my tears as I slowed down, I don't know how long I've been outside, it was dark already though. I sat down on the sand, staring at the waves clash into each other. I shouldn't have just ran out, he wanted to help... he cared for me, why was I so stupid?! I gripped onto my hair, pulling it forcefully as I felt tears stream down my face. I haven't been the best these days, and I didn't know what to do.
I felt my head spin as I forced a cough, my lungs feeling like they were being squeezed. I lifted my shirt up and noticed that the bandage has already been stained. I sighed and took out a knife from my pocket. I held it up to my neck, the sharp side against my skin. I felt the discomfort spread through my body, my heart rapidly beating, tears streaming down my face and feeling my breath cut shirt. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this, I didn't want to. But.. I can't do this anymore...
"I'm sorry Kazuichi, I love you."
I whispered to myself as I then dragged the knife rapidly against my skin and cut my neck open, blood immediately spilling out as if someone threw a bucket of paint at me. I fell backwards and felt like screaming, but I couldn't get anything out.. I couldn't breathe. I just laid there, I hated myself even more for this...
I'm so sorry..
I turned on the flashlight and walked around, searching every bit I could but nothing could be found. I decided to check the beach, his favorite place to hang out at. It wasn't anything too special, he just thought the water was more clear and you could see more of the fish that swam in the water. As I reached the beach, faintly away I saw something lying on the sand in an odd position. I couldn't see exactly what or who it was, so I started walking over to it.
"Hello? Are you alright?"
I called out but I got no response in return.
I walked closer and as I was able to shine the flashlight at it... I found out it was Hajime.. Hajime's dead body. I stared in shock, not being able to comprehend what I had witnessed. I felt all kinds of emotions. I felt dizzy, I felt upset, I felt mad, I felt everything.
I yelled as I ran towards him, collapsing down onto my knees besides him as I felt tears spill out of my eyes. I picked up his lifeless body, trying to shake it awake but nothing.
"Come on Hajime, you're not dead.. you can't be!"
I cried, trying everything to get him to wake up, but nothing worked.
"Hajime please! I love you, don't do this to me!"
I exclaimed, tears dripping down onto his orange shirt now stained in blood.
I couldn't believe that the one person I felt safe around, the one person who really liked me for who I was, not what I do, not how I talk, not how I look, just for who I was.. was now lifeless in my arms. I dropped his body and buried my face into my hands, trying to stop myself from crying as I then gripped onto my hair.
"Why couldn't you just tell me?! Why didn't I notice?! Why, why why?!"
I weeped, hoping that he'd just magically wake up.. but he didn't.
He was gone now. And I had to accept that, no matter what. But I promise that I'll find out who did this.. no matter what.
"I'm sorry Hajime.."
I apologized again, standing up and running away. Not being able to get my thoughts off of him and his lifeless body.

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