Two of the same speciality meet [Oumami]

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Step.. step.
That's what the sound that comes from under my feet. Slow steps, my feet hitting against the concrete. How long have I been here? I don't know.. but I can't walk that well, mainly I need a support near me otherwise I'd collapse. What was I suppose to do? I tried everything. I just wanted to save everyone and here I am, a walking corpse.
I tilted my head upwards, blood dripping down from my chin. There was a boy, a blue haired boy. Standing there, staring at me with a horrified face. I stared back. Just for a bit, I wanted to see a humanoid face at least one last time. I looked back down and continued walking against the wall. I just walked past him, he didn't react much but I could feel it. He pitied me.
"S-Sir?.. are you alright?."
His voice sounded timid. It was actually relaxing. But I couldn't react, I just needed to get to the other side, then I'll be able to get a break.
Step... step.
Those sounds echoed through the library, he walked slowly beside me. Completely unaware of what I look like... no. He was aware. He just didn't mind. But why? I grabbed the side of a shelf, one after another, but one of the books seemed to have been too forward and I lost my grip. I stumbled forward and as I was about to fall, the boy caught me and helped me up. I don't understand why, but I didn't fight. I just let him help me up.
I continued making my way against the bookshelves, the blue haired boy holding me by the shoulders so I wouldn't fall. As I finally made it to the end, I sat down in the corner of the shelves. He pulled out something and wrapped it around my bleeding head, it was probably bandages and I'm thankful. He handed me a piece of bread and some cheese before leaving, smiling as he waved happily.
I don't understand the living, they're so kind for what? Most usually would ignore corpses, but he was special.. I'm sure of it. I just hope he doesn't end up like us... rotten corpses forced to suffer.
And again.
And again, all over again.




'Where am I now?'
I thought to myself as I walked down these halls, the sound of dripping following around me. I looked around and noticed a large door in front of me, hoping I had found my way back, I pushed it open. It ended up being a large library, messed up entirely with vines growing and everything basically rotting. It wasn't much new, I've seen it before but I can't remember the last time I entered a room other than the two I get stuck in.
I wondered when I'd finally get freed, just once. But of course, I have to pay for my sins. I can't even free myself, and nobody else can either..
I stopped thinking about it and started exploring around the place, it had all kinds of books but I swore I could hear faint steps. I turned my head and there he was, another victim stumbling around, trying to find something. He had green hair but it was stained with blood, he looked up with blood dripping down his face. He seemed curious.
I can't blame him, I had my organs exposed and all I was is a black liquid walking around. I walked over to him as he sat down, sitting down beside him, he laid down but looked upset after. I don't know why but I laid there with him, just resting.. that's all. We couldn't speak, well I couldn't.
But it was nice, I felt my heart beat faster for some reason... I wonder why.

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