I'm sorry. [Tenmiko]

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I sat on the edge of the fountain that represents the center of the camp, I wasn't sure what to do after everything that has happened. I covered my face with my hand, trying to think of something to do to distract myself while I waited for the sunrise.
A wave of shock hit me as I heard a familiar voice. I turned around swiftly to be met by the face of a person who was the last I wanted to see right now.
"Ah, did I startle you?"
She had a worried look on her face, it also looked pitiful.
"Y-Yeah, don't worry about it though."
She walked over and sat next to me, smiling awkwardly and staring forward at the forest that was now covered in a large black shadow.
"So... what are you doing awake so late?"
She looked over at me, but I didn't dare to look her in the eye, I just kept staring at the ground.
"None of your business..."
I mumbled but I'm guessing she didn't understand me.
She tilted her head and looked at me.
"I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, so I went to get some air."
I lied, but she seemed to have bought it.
"Ah, what caused you to wake up?"
I felt tired, I can barely sleep and I didn't want her to question me.
"Why are you awake?"
I dodged the question, but that just gave her a stern look.
"You dodged my question Himiko."
She replied, obviously wanting an answer that I wasn't gonna give.
"Just answer my question."
I muttered back as a reply.
"I'm not going to answer your question until you answer mine, I'm worried about you..."
I stood up swiftly and turned my head to face her.
"You always are! You're always worried about me and always ask me if I'm okey!"
I snapped. Her eyes were wide open of shock and just stared at me. She then also stood up, stepping closer.
"Himiko, what's going on with you?! Of course I'm worried if you won't even talk to me!"
She tried to grab my wrist in an attempt to calm me down, but I slapped her hand away.
"That's because maybe *you* don't have to always know my problems, I don't even want you around me!"
She looked taken aback after the last part, I saw tears streaming down her cheek.
"Every day you follow me all the time! You never give me time to myself, and you're always jealous when I'm talking to Angie!"
She stared in shock, but didn't bother saying anything.
"God, you're so damn annoying!"
She looked down.
I then realized what I said.
"T-Tenko? I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to-"
She turned around and ran into the forest, I tried to chase after her but I was too tired.
"Tenko, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
She faded into the darkness and I started crying, I ran back to my cabin and locked myself in.
I fell onto the floor, leaning against the door, tears flooding down my face.
"I-I didn't mean to... why did I do that?!"
I buried my face into my hands, crying uncontrollably. I didn't mean to, I didn't even mean what I said, I enjoy her company... She cares for me and helps me, she doesn't think I'm weird or crazy for believing in magic.
"I'm sorry, Tenko..."
I stared at the floor for a bit, before I stood up. As I was about to head to bed, I heard a knock on the door.
"Himiko? Are you alright?"
It was Rantaro.
I turned around and opened the door, there was both Rantaro and Angie.
"We saw you and Tenko arguing, and then you running back to your cabin so we got worried."
I stared at them for a bit before I started crying again, Rantaro stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing circles on my back.
"Hey, hey. It's alright."
"I didn't mean to! I just- I'm sorry..."
He turned to face Angie and whispered something, then Angie left.
"W-Where's Angie going?..."
I questioned and looked up at him.
"She's going to find Tenko, don't worry. Now you're gonna explain what happened between you and Tenko."
He chuckled, I just smiled.

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