I was the fool. [Oumami]

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I felt a bit uncomfortable, I was lying down on something soft, probably the couch again. I felt a sharp pain hit my head the minute I realized I was awake and it was probably morning, I sat up holding my head with my eyes shut tight. I waited a bit until the headache passed and I could look around the room properly now.
It was the living room and it was pretty much the morning, I then remembered that I still have school today and gotta get ready, but I didn't budge. I wanted to move, I tired to move, I just couldn't. All I could do was make small movements before I froze in place, everything being completely blank.
After a while of... that. I managed to look at the digital clock sitting besides the Tv, I put it there for whenever I slept on the couch in case of school.
"Six am, like always."
I groaned before getting up and walking to the bathroom downstairs to get ready for the day, I didn't want to do anything at the moment other than sleep more but school is school and I don't want to miss it.
I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth, then picked up the comb sitting besides the soap and fixed up my hair, staring at the mirror as I let out a deep sigh of relief. I'm glad that I didn't need to do anything so complicated but I should also probably take a quick shower to wash away the sweat that built up throughout the night.
I stripped down and stepped into the shower, turning on the water and waiting ti'll it's a refreshing cold temperature. After taking a quick shower, I stepped out and dried myself, making sure I got all of the excess water off of me.
I put on my school uniform and walked out to the living room. I took a peak at the clock to see how much time I have left.
I have an hour and thirty-one minutes left until the school gates open and a fifteen minute walk to school, so I have enough time to eat breakfast and pack my school bag.
I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, I wasn't sure what I wanted to eat at the moment so I took two eggs and two pieces of toast. I placed the toast into the toaster and turned it on, then proceeding to grab a pan and turn the stove on. I cracked the two eggs and dropped them onto the sizzling pan after I put some butter onto it. I grabbed a place along with a fork and knife, placing it onto the table with a napkin.
"What should I drink? Hm..."
I questioned myself as I opened the fridge again, I looked around and noticed a carton of apple juice.
"Apple juice it is I guess."
I grabbed the carton of apple juice and took a cup from the cupboard, placing them both near the rest of the utilities. I heard the toaster go off so I picked up the plate and walked over to the toaster, grabbing the toast out and placing it onto the plate. I also looked at the eggs to see they're pretty much ready as well, I grabbed a spatula and slid it under the eggs to break them off of the pan, pushing them onto the plate afterwards.
I turned around and placed the plate onto the table, sitting down onto the chair and beginning to eat the meal I made, I wasn't sure why but I felt this slight knot in my stomach as I looked around while eating, it kind of hurt honestly. Maybe it was because I'm alone now.
My grandparents used to be hunters and lumberjacks, I never knew my biological parents... but I've been told that if you haven't met someone yet, it's for a good reason. Once they both went into the forest together and never really returned for some reason, rumors have it they were dragged away and killed by something... doubt it considering they're quite professional with guns, well my grandpa is.
I finished eating and put the dishes into the sink, I'll clean them later when I get home as I don't feel like doing it right now. I headed upstairs to grab my backpack once I was done packing it, I shoved the books and other things inside of it before I left the house through the backdoor. I live on a hill near the mountains so I have to be careful whenever I'm walking as I don't want to roll down and get my uniform dirty.
I walked through the forest, turning a few directions and finally coming to the neighborhood near my school. I walked down a few steps before I heard a voice from across the road to my right.
"Hey Ouma!"
I turned towards my right to see an old friend of mine waving happily, his name is Rantaro Amami and we've been friends for a while... Well I've grown a crush on him but I doubt he likes me back, sure he's had interests in men and women, possibly other genders but still. I'm probably just like a brother to him.
"Hi Amami!"
I waved back as he made his way across, being careful of the cars that might come. He stopped a few centimeters from me and pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my neck and giving me a tight hug, I wrapped my arms around his waist and returned the hug.
"Wanna walk to school together?"
He smiled so brightly that I just couldn't say no.
"Of course, I'd love to!"
I felt my face warm up slightly as he backed away, his hands resting on my collarbone.
"Let's go then!"
He gripped onto my hand and started walking forward, pulling me along as I tried to catch up to his speed.

[I genuinely did not realize how much time I spent on the uhm what is it called again?- the exposition that I feel like it might be a bit boring soo I'll skip forward to the main part]


"Come on Ouma! You have to tell him someday!"
A classmate of mine has been bickering me about confessing to Amami ever since that party where we played truth or dare, I didn't want to go through the pain of rejection as I already have too much on hand every day.
"You know very well that I can't, I don't have the time and I don't need to deal with a rejection right now."
I replied back as the other groaned.
"You can't be so sure you'll be rejected! What if he likes you back?"
She questioned back as I closed my locker, it was the end of school now and I had to hurry up.
"I doubt it, I'm probably just like a brother to him, we've known each other for that long enough."
I picked up my school bag as I turned to face her.
"Why don't you take a day off from work, you always come in on time, never call sick and barely ever take the day off for holidays. I'm sure your boss wouldn't mind, she's really nice!"
She kept pleading me and I was getting tired of it.
"Fine! I'll try to confess to him just so you'd shut up."
I finally snapped.
"Yay! I wish you good luck!"
She winked at me before happily hopping away, sometimes I wonder why I even needed to get into this mess.
I sighed before making my way out of the school and towards our usual spot, it was an old abandoned building that had a way to the rooftop, it had a great view of the sunset and I'm glad it hasn't beep scrapped yet.
I pulled out my phone and dialed the number of my boss, waiting ti'll she finally answered.
"Ah, hello Ouma! How can I help?"
I felt a bit worried but I had to do it otherwise I'd be betraying my word.
"Could I take the day off? It's quite important right now and I promise to work twice on the weekend."
I asked as a large mass of silence fell.
"Of course you can, you don't have to work twice on the weekend, don't worry."
I smiled happily and thanked her before ending the call and texting Amami to meet me at our usual hangout spot.
I didn't know if I should get anything but I don't want to waste any time, I can get him something once later. I started walking down the streets of the neighborhood, turning a few corners and finally making it to the building. I walked up a few stairs before making it to the rooftop, it wasn't a tall building but tall enough to get a good view. I walked over to the edge of the roof and sat down on the concrete, trying to think of a good way to confess before Amami arrived.
"I hope I'm not late. Heh."
I lifted my head up in shock to see Amami standing in front of me, he smiled his usual smile before dropping his backpack onto the floor and sitting besides me.
"I thought you had work today?"
He questioned.
"I decided to take a day off, I mean we've hardly been hanging out after school ever since I got that job."
I thought quickly of excuses so I got away with it, but I feel like he had a sense of suspicion on me.
"You didn't have to, I know how times have been ever since the incident so it's understandable, but you do deserve a break."
He placed his hand on mine and I felt a shiver go down my spine, I felt those stupid butterflies in my stomach again as I also felt my face warming up.
"Did you want to tell me something or why specifically did you want to hang out? Usually you're defensive about working whenever I ask."
His face fell blank as he stared at me, I couldn't make eye contact as it's obvious already that I have some specific reason.
I sighed before turning to him, I still avoided eye-contact but I had to tell him now.
"Listen, the real reason why I asked you to come here and why I took the day off is because I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now..."
I paused for a second before continuing.
"I've fell in love with you ever since we started high-school and I've never found a time to tell you, as I figured it out too late. I understand if you see me just as a brother and I'm so-"
I was cut off with him pressing his lips against mine, he slid his other hand up to my neck and wrapped it around the back, pulling me closer.
We stayed like that for a bit before breaking apart.
"I guess I was the fool to not have realized sooner."
I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug, him wrapping his arms around my back.
"I love you too Ouma, I realized it a bit late but I'm glad I was able to return those feelings."
I could have not been anymore happier than I was at that moment.

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