The accident. [Saiibo]

28 2 6

"It's time for the execution!"
Monokuma yelled as Kiibo gained back his jetpack and blaster. He looked pitifully at us before illuminating in a blue light and blasting up into the sky, breaking through the roof causing pieces to tumble down.
"We need to move away! We're gonna be crushed in here!"
Maki yelled as the dust lowered itself.
There wasn't much time until the elevator would break, so we had to act fast. We ran over to the elevator and entered it, pressing the button and immediately being launched up as the elevator doors closed. We all felt nervous, an uncomfortable silence surrounded us. When the door finally opened, we noticed that the area was already crumbling down so we had to run out.
As we got outside, I noticed large bits of fire surrounding the area, quickly spreading around. Everything was already in bad shape. The dorms were crushed completely, the labs were on fire, and the academy was tearing down itself slowly. Tsumugi disappeared and me, Himiko, and Maki were standing, staring up at Kiibo flying around. He was blowing everything he could, even the ground.
I noticed that a small pile of rocks fell from above us, barely dodging from hitting any of us. Bits of dust were scattered around, but what I realized was.. something was gonna fall onto us. I looked up and saw large cracks forming.
"Duck down!"
I yelled as the pieces of the building broke off and tumbled down onto us. Himiko and Maki ducked in time, but I was a bit late and a boulder fell onto me, resting on my back and applying pressure to my ribcage. I struggled to breathe as I tried to push the rock off of me and slide from underneath it, but nothing worked. I felt my ribs trying to stay in place, but I swore I could hear cracking coming from my chest. I struggled to breathe and to even scream as the pressure started crushing my body slowly. As I inhaled, my ribs snapped and the boulder ended up crushing my body. I felt blood spill out and the sound of organs turning into mush, I couldn't feel anything anymore, this was sadly the end.
As a loud crash of glass breaking echoed the area, Maki managed to push a large rock off of herself and stand up. There was a ray of sunlight shining through the giant hole in the wall made to keep them inside. She looked around, everything was destroyed, every bit of it.
"Nyeh! Can I get some help?!"
Maki heard a voice from a short distance, it was Himiko. She turned around and rushed towards the place that the sound was coming from. Himiko was under a small rock, not big enough to crush her but she did struggle. Maki chuckled and pulled the rock off of Himiko, allowing her to get up and stand next to Maki.
"Nyeh? Where's Shuichi?"
Himiko asked as she looked around, now catching Maki's attention.
"You're right, he's no where to be seen."
Maki replied as she scouted the area. He was no where to be found, neither was Tsumugi. They decided to look around, not only for Shuichi but also a few memorials from others, if they could find any.
They managed to find a cardboard box to store everything inside of. Maki was able to find Kaito's hair pin, Gonta's bug container, Tsumugi's glasses, Kaede's hairpin and Miu's goggles. Himiko was able to find everyone else's, but what else she found was Shuichi's hat. She put it in the box anyway, thinking he'd like to keep it.
As they were still searching around, Himiko suddenly erupted a loud screech, making Maki dart over. What she saw was worse than she thought.
Shuichi's crushed body was lying under a boulder.
Himiko covered her mouth, trying to avoid throwing up and Maki just stared in disbelief. They didn't expect to see Shuichi's dead body while searching for him, especially everything he had done for them. They just couldn't believe it.
"I-Is he actually dead?!"
Himiko questioned through her sobs, Maki feeling tears stream down her own face as well.
"I'm afraid he is.."
She said as she wiped the tears off of her face. She walked over to Himiko and hugged her, trying to comfort her as best as she possibly could. We both sobbed for a bit before picking up the cardboard box and leaving the area, a flower growing besides Shuichi's corpse.




"Hey Maki? Could you help me move this box? It's heavyy."
Himiko whined as Maki rolled her eyes and chuckled.
"Yeah I can, just give me a moment."
Maki replied as she opened a box, finding an old computer that seemed rather interesting. She took it out and plugged it to charge with the charging cord that came with it and walked away to help Himiko.
She walked into the room and saw Himiko lying on the floor for some reason.
"Why are you on the floor?"
Maki asked as she picked up the box.
"I'm tiredd, nyeh I don't wanna work anymore."
Himiko complained as Maki moved the box to the corner of the room.
"We can take a break if you want, I found an interesting computer we could look at during the pause."
Maki said as she picked up Himiko easily from the floor.
"Nyeh?! Put me down!"
Himiko yelled as Maki just laughed.
She put Himiko down and grabbed onto her hand, pulling her into the living rooms that seemed more clean now that the boxes were moved. They passed by the small shelf with everyone's memorial, glancing at it before continuing.
As they grabbed a chair and sat down in front of the computer, they noticed it was a blue screen now, kind of resembling a bedroom. Then a person popped up, someone specific actually. He noticed them almost immediately and rushed over.
"Maki?! Himiko?!"
It was Kiibo, he was alive. They both stared in shock, Himiko already crying from happiness.
Himiko tried to hug the computer but Maki held her back, Kiibo chuckled.
"It's so nice to see you two again! Where's Shuichi and Tsumugi though?"
He asked, his facade falling blank.
Maki and Himiko swallowed, the memory flooding back in, as much as they didn't want it to.
"We don't know about Tsumugi.."
Himiko started.
"But Shuichi's.. dead."
Maki finished, looking away as Kiibo stared at them in disbelief. He looked down at the floor, burying his face into his hands. Transparent black tears pouring out from his eyes as he sobbed.
They both knew he loved Shuichi dearly, he would've been so happy to see him again, but his hopes were shattered. Himiko and Maki felt bad, they didn't want to see Kiibo like this. But it was true...
He was gone.

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