Unexpected surprise [Saimota]

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"You know what you need to do, right Shuichi?"
Asked my uncle.
It was another day of working as a young detective, there was a new case on my hands and I was in charge of it.
"Mhm, I can manage it."
I said back as a reply.
~I hope..~
I continued it as a thought, it was true that I took a large break after one incident, but I feel like I'll be more successful this time.
I took the case file and shoved it quickly into my bag, smiling at my uncle and rushing out, waving from behind.
"Bye uncle!"
I yelled as I ran past the front desk.
"See ya later Shuichi! Good luck."
He smiled back, watching me fade out of view in the distance.
I ran out onto the streets, it was dark already as I spent most of my day in my own personal office. I walked down the streets as I let out an long exhale, I never wanted to be a detective.. but if that's what my uncle wants, then I'll do it to make him proud. I opened the file of my case and looked at it, reading a bit of the information written inside of it.
The very famous criminal, known as The Luminary. He wears a space themed outfit with a mask of a supernova tiger to cover his face. He had usually been seen wondering around these streets, usually found in alleyways.
He usually carries a bat with him, none of his victims were seen to be harmed physically however. But they have described that the bat is plain black so they can't know if there had been previous victims that we had not managed to interview before that got harmed.
The Luminary had been seen robbing banks, stealing from people's purses and forgery. Nobody knows if there are any more crimes committed by this successful criminal, but he has been on the run for about 4 years now.
~4 years? That's a long time.. but he sort of reminds me of a boy that used to go to my school, he also carried a black bat but never used it, well not that anyone saw him using it before.~
I thought to myself as I closed the file, placing it into my bag and looking up.
I noticed police sirens being heard from afar, and a guy similar to the luminary running away from the police. He turned a swift corner into the alleyway, but the police seemed to not have seen it as they passed the alleyway.
As much as I didn't want to, I decided to check it out for myself, I had the proper equipment with me at all times anyway. I waited a tad bit until the streets were clear and walked over to the alleyway, sneaking inside of it as quietly as possible.
I heard a male voice talking on what I'd guess is a phone, but I couldn't make anything out before he ended the call. I peaked from the corner as I placed my bag down, preparing my handcuffs. The Luminary was standing there, fidgeting with something but I couldn't see what very well from afar.
I decided to go the risky way and handcuff us together, hopefully being successful in not getting harmed. These were a silent type of handcuffs, which means they wouldn't be heard when used. I handcuffed one of my hands and quietly snuck up behind the criminal, handcuffing his hand as well.
He immediately felt it and swiftly turned around, pulling me with the hand and causing us both to be pressed against the wall, him in front of me which was kind of embarrassing.
"What the hell.."
He muttered under his breath as he stared at me, causing my face to start warming up slightly.
"How did you even see me?! You sure as hell weren't part of the cops and nobody was on the streets while I was being chased!"
He suddenly yelled at me, grabbing my un-cuffed wrist and pushing it again the wall, pressing his handcuffed hand against the wall a bit higher than my head.
"I-I saw you running into the alleyway while the police was trying to follow you, so I decided to investigate myself.."
I replied, stuttering at first.
"Tch. Well, you can't do much now, can you? You're under my mercy."
I couldn't exactly see it, but I could feel that he had a smile plastered on his face.
"And, I doubt anyone would believe you if you said you've seen my face."
He said as his mask fell off by itself, revealing his adult-like face.
"You seem rather familiar though, I wonder if I have met you before.."
He questioned me as I swallowed.
"I can say the same thing to you..."
I mumbled back as a reply.
He just smiled and managed to cuff my other hand, pinning both of my cuffed hands above my head and holding me with his other hand by the waist.
"You know, nobody has ever made me want to stay in one place for so long.. I should be running away, but I kinda don't want it to end."
He hesitated for a bit before continuing.
"You know what I mean?"
He pulled me closer, but I still stayed silent and allowed him to do what he needs to. He leaned in towards my neck and planted a kiss on the side, before letting me go. He grabbed his mask and disappeared before I even had time to process what happened. There was a note on the floor that contained a number, I know it would be wrong but.. maybe I'll let him have some fun for now.
After all, it's an unexpected surprise.

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