Rambles, Rambles... What else? [Kuzukoma]

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I sat on my bed as I pierced at the window, I had felt quite lonely these past days but I guess I deserve that... I stared into the darkness as I listened to the soft waves of the ocean, for some reason they had a weird sound to it as if it weren't an ocean.
After a while, I laid down onto the bed and tried to fall asleep. It was difficult with my sleeping problem as I never had proper time to sleep before with working so hard, so it's understandable.
That's when I heard a loud knock on my door, I didn't really care what happens so I got up and headed towards the door, opening it as soon as I reached it.
"Hello Komaeda."
I stared in shock as no one other than Kuzuryu is standing in front of me on the other side of the door.
"K-Kuzuryu?! How come you've come to visit someone as pathetic as me?..."
He glared at me.
"Shut up, I just felt like coming..."
I relaxed myself and smiled.
"Why so?"
He hesitated but then gave a simple answer.
"I want to talk."
I wasn't sure what to do, but I stepped aside and let him in before closing the door behind.
"You can sit on my bed, I'll sit on the floor!"
I smiled brightly.
"No. We're both gonna sit on the bed, it's not that small."
He gripped onto my wrist and pulled me to the bed, pushing me on top and sitting on the other end.
I sat up properly and crossed my legs, staring at him in utter confusion.
"So... what did you want to talk about?"
I wasn't really sure what to say, so I tried to hide the fact that I wasn't alright.
He sighed and looked away from me before locking eyes with me again.
"What you've been hiding."
I stared blankly but inside I was pretty shocked by how he had noticed that.
"Hiding? What is that suppose to mean?"
I tilted my head wondering what he wants to know about my knowledge so badly.
"Ever since the previous incident, you've been acting so weird as if you knew something that we don't. I got fed up trying to figure it out myself so I decided to ask you yourself."
So that's what he had been wondering.
"Ah, I see. I've just had a small realization through the time."
I smiled again but this time it was a vicious smile, not an innocent looking one, it surely creeped Fuyuhiko out.
"I've realized that I may have a boring talent, yet I should never ignore it. My talent is far more reliable than all of yours, and only now have I noticed my own mistakes."
Fuyuhiko stared at me, I decided to approach him but he got up and backed up. I followed his steps, approaching him as he backed away, it was hilarious to watch."
"I-Is that really it?... What has the Final-Dead Room done to you, Komaeda?!"
He hit the wall as he spat that out, I lifted my arm and wrapped my hand around his throat, pushing it against the wall but making sure he can breathe.
"A lot."
I grinned at him, he tried to reflexively push me away but I gripped both of his wrists and pinned them against the wall.
"H-Hey! Let m-me go!"
"What's wrong?... I thought you were suppose to be a mafia leader, what happened to your strong, unbreakable confidence?"
I snickered at my own comment.
"Y-You're too close!"
I leaned in next to his ear and whispered.
"I don't care what happens to any of us, as long as this stupid despair finally shatters and greats amazing hope... then I'll sacrifice anything to get it, y'know?"
I leaned back up as he stared at me in shock, I smiled at him and let his wrists go.
"W-What is with you being so obsessed with hope?..."
I stood there, in front of him while saying nothing.
"Find out yourself, you piece of shit."
He seemed shocked at the sudden insult yet his face had seemed to become a slight red color, I guess he has a degrading kink huh?
"Aw, does someone get turned on by getting degraded?..."
He stared in shock as his face turn even more red.
He pushed me and ran out, covering his face and mouth as he did so.
I stared at him from afar, he really was one interesting remnant huh?

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