Done with it, done with everything. [Saimota?]

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That's what it was. Complete silence surrounding me, but the words were flooding my head. I wished that silence was in my head, not just surrounding me. But that was too big of a wish. I stared at the blood dripping down. The fire illuminated the area as his screams were heard from afar.
I just turned away, I didn't want to watch it anymore. I didn't want to watch anything anymore. I was tired of this, exhausted. But I can't do anything about it. Everyone will end up killing for their own desire, their own greed, and I know that well... too well.
As the screen turned off, the area lit up, revealing everyone's face... pure terror. My face just felt dull, I didn't feel anything, not even a frown or a cry... just.. nothing. I turned to Kaito, he obviously seemed disappointed. Not just in me, in himself too. I felt bad, I didn't want him to die either, but I had no choice... I'm sorry Kaito.
"Wowie.. that sure was an execution!"
Someone broke the silence. None other than Kokichi.
"What do you mean..? Why are you so calm suddenly?! Weren't you crying over him a few minutes ago?!"
Kaito exclaimed as he turned to him.
"Me? Crying over *that* idiot? In your dreams!"
He smirked. I just stared at the two.
"You really thought I cared for him? No way, that idiot was just another piece to my game!"
He didn't see anything wrong with what he was saying, it was too obvious.
"You little shit... I'm gonna make you eat your god damn words up!"
Kaito charged at him before I had time to stop him, but Kokichi expected this. Using his height as an advantage, he ducked down and swung a punch at Kaito, hitting him right in the stomach.
"Whoopsies! My hand slipped."
He had that vicious smile on his face.
"You.. fucker..."
Kaito clenched on his stomach, hissing back the pain that dared to escape his mouth.
I rushed over and kneeled down besides him, I didn't care if he was upset about me right there, I was worried about him.
"Kaito are you alright?!"
I yelled as Maki and the others joined in.
"Y-Yeah I'm.. fine."
He said, Maki turned her head towards Kokichi with a glare.
"I thought you said you didn't know how to fight."
She stared at him, piercing daggers through his eyes. But he just smiled.
"Maybe I had lied!~"
He just laughed it off.
"We gotta get you to your dorm Kaito!"
Tsumugi chimed in, making Maki turn her attention to Kaito again.
"I'm fine.. don't- cough -worry.."
He objected as he got up.
"Why are you guys so worried about a pathetic guy like him?"
Kokichi asked, catching our attention almost instantly.
"Pathetic? Look at yourself Kokichi."
I took Kokichi by surprise, I took everyone by surprise honestly.
"You're the pathetic one, Kaito has us, you could've also had us, but you lost your chance."
I clenched my fist, turning away from Kokichi.
"Whatever, I'm bored."
His voice faded away as he walked away.
"Nyeh, you should probably lay down Kaito.."
Himiko suggested.
"I'm fine, don't worry.. I just need some wat-"
Kaito's sentence was interrupted by a sharp cough, causing blood to come out... blood?
Everyone yelled in unison.
"Ugh.. don't worry I'm fine, this is why I didn't want you guys to know.."
He mumbled as he covered his mouth, his hand dripping in blood.
"Kaito, you gotta let us help you!"
Chimed in Maki but Kaito didn't reply.
"I can escort you to your d-"
"I don't need your help! I'm fine."
He said, turning away and walking into the elevator. I realized how bad it was.. I felt bad.


I closed the door and leaned back against it, sliding down slowly as I hit the ground. I felt terrible, I didn't want to upset the one person who trusted me. I just hugged my knees and stared down at the tip of my shoe, I wanted to sink into the ground and never swim back up.
I got up and walked over to my bed, I felt my head pound more and more after every step. I couldn't take it anymore, it just hurt too much. It felt like a hammer was continuously hitting against my head. I just fell against the wall, my head pounding like every day, every minute. I always had thoughts, it would never quiet down.
I lifted my head up and looked at the wall, feeling a smile creep up onto my face as I tilted my head backwards, letting my arms slide down from the wall, and then.. bam. I hit my head against the wall, it felt.. good. It was like the pain went away for a split second, I felt the thought leaves for a bit. Something I've always wanted.
I lifted my head up again and slammed it against the wall, and again.. and again... and again. I hit against it, harder and harder. I felt blood drip down my face, I felt tears form, I felt the flesh on my forehead rip apart. I felt all of my worries and thoughts fade away, all replaced by the numbness of pain, I felt good, I felt bad but I couldn't stop myself. I just continued, I didn't pause.. I needed this.
As I slammed my head forward at the wall one last time, I felt myself bounce backwards and fall onto the ground, blood streaming down my face as I stared at the ceiling, everything was blurry to me.. even my thoughts. I heard the door open and the sound of footsteps echoed my head.. and then a voice came.
"Shuichi! What happened to you?!"
It was Kaito, I saw him kneel down near me. I just smiled weakly, unable to do anything else.
He took off his jacket and his blouse, wrapping it around my head to prevent the bleeding as much as possible. He picked me up and placed me on the bed, sitting down besides me as he left to the bathroom.
There was a first-aid kit in the bathroom that everyone had, I didn't use it that often so it was pretty stocked. When he returned, he removed his sweater from my head and cleaned the wound, wrapping a proper bandage afterwards.
"What happened man? What caused you to do this?"
He asked, sitting besides me and brushing my hair back from my eyes. I didn't answer, I felt exhausted. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I knew he'd ask me about it when I was able to talk to him about it, but I just couldn't right now. I was done with everything.
The next morning, I woke up to bandages around my palm and wrist and a tray filled with food and beverages. I wonder what happened during my slumber...

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