The midnight after. [SaiMaki]

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It's going to be midnight soon. I still haven't fallen asleep...
With everything that happened to this point.
Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi...
Blunt force.
Eaten completely.
Sawed in half.
The images just don't leave my head. It's the second sleepless night, well I still have time to take naps, but those don't last long for me...
I sighed and sat up, sliding my legs off the bed and standing up. I put on the slippers we were given and headed out the door, yawning in the process of doing so. I walked down the empty hallways, the dim moonlight illuminating the areas near the windows. It could actually feel nice.
Peaceful even.
Only if I wasn't aware that someone could murder me any time they wanted...
I decided to take a stroll outside, exiting the dorms lobby and walking off to the right. As I peeked out from the side, I noticed someone sitting on the ground not that far away.
How come she was out so late?
Does she struggle sleeping too?
I glanced at the floor as I put my hand up, wondering what it was that I didn't notice the footsteps, or that Maki was gone until I heard them a lot more closer to me.
I looked up to see that Maki had gone off somewhere, I looked to the sides to see if she went in either direction, but to no avail. I turned around to just notice too late someone standing not too far from me, rushing to me and grabbing me by the neck. They lifted me up against the wall of the dorms lobby, squeezing it tightly. Surprisingly.
Actually no, not surprisingly.
It was Maki.
Of course she'd strong, she's like Wonder Woman, just scarier and... more reddish?
But it was just... terrifying. Of course she's an assassin, of course it's scary to be vulnerable in her hands. The hands wrapped around my neck, pushing against it and canceling my airway out.
I tried to gasp for air.
She stared at me with a rather pissed but serious expressions. She wasn't bothered by this. It was normal for her now. Someone else's vulnerability in her hands.
Suddenly everything flashed around me. It was a completely different moment. Instead of being outside the dorms. We were in an alleyway. Everything was overlayed in harsh red tones. We were both still here. But Maki looked scared. I felt...
Suddenly everything returned as it was. Like nothing ever happened. Maki had a shocked expression on her face. She experienced it too.
She moved me away from the wall and put me down onto the ground, still pinning me against the wall by the neck as I tried to pry her hands off, either by pulling her hand away, or by attempting to remove her fingers enough to slide off. But I could breathe, something I needed right now.
But I didn't want to be in the position where she can snap my neck like it was nothing. Like she can overpower me easily, and be unbothered.
'What the fuck did you do.'
She let go of my neck, backing away for personal space.
I looked up at her while holding my neck, considering she was quite taller than me.
I didn't want to say anything.
She grabbed my hand, forcefully pulling it away as she grabbed my chin with her other hand, slightly tilting my head up and to the side. Putting the other one near my neck, caressing the bruise with her thumb. My breath hitched, grabbing her wrist almost immediately.
'I know you saw it too. You were shocked. But I'll guess you don't know anything about it.'
She let go of my neck, turning her head towards her old spot. Slowly walking off back to it before I could say anything.
'Come on, I'm not going to wait for you.'
I rushed over to her, following her from behind as she stopped in her tracks. Sitting down on the grass, then sitting next to her as well.
'Others said they had similar moments too, moments where everything was red, and it was just two of them in the same situation with different perspectives.'
She stopped for a moment, turning her head away from the sky towards me.
'Any theories Mr. Detective?'
She stared at me, a completely blank face.
I didn't respond.
I looked down at the ground, thinking about it for a bit.
Same description, just a different experience.
'It... could be memories? Something we can't remember.'
'We all met in this academy, none of us remember each other from anywhere else. Unless it was the news or performances. How may it be memories?'
She tilted her head to the side.
'It could be a type of flashback I guess... Like how the flashback lights work, except it just tends to happen.'
She stared at me for a moment before turning back towards the sky.
She lied back onto the grass, resting her arms on her torso. I just stared at her. I never had the time to observe her more than in conversations.
She had different healed scars on her arms, some near her neck and on her face. A tooth of hers rested on her bottom lip and she had a few freckles on her face.
She looked... beautiful?
'Can you stop staring at me like that... it's— awkward.'
She turned her head towards me, a soft tint of red painted across her face. Her lips formed a nervous frown. A good one.
'S-sorry.. it's just a habit.'
I turned away, staring off into the distance as I felt a tug on the back of my shirt, pulling me down onto the grass next to Maki.
'You don't need to just sit there. I'm fine with company.'
I stared at her from the side for a bit, a smile slowly appearing on my face as I felt my cheeks warm up a bit.
'Thank you.'

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