Stuck Together [Oumota]

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It was around 9 PM, mostly dinner time in other words. I was walking down the dark halls as I then reached the door to the dining hall. I rose the both of my arms and placed them against the cold metal door, pushing it open and entering the dining hall.
"Hello my very dear friends and enemies!"
I smiled brightly, expecting to be ignored.
"Hello to you too Ouma."
I stared in both shock and confusion as everyone greeted me in unison, everyone except Momota. I didn't want to be around these weirdos and I was pretty curious on where Momota was so I grabbed some bread and cheese, leaving afterwards and heading towards the exit of the school building.
I pushed open the door of the exit and stepped outside, looking around at the dull surroundings. I was about to start walking forward to find a place to sit when I heard coughing coming from the side of the building, being the curious one I was I decided to check it out.
I peeked the corner to see Momota coughing and wiping his mouth, there was something there that I couldn't see well, so I decided to take him by surprise. I slithered around the corner quietly and apparently a meter or so from him.
"Hi Momota!"
I quietly snicker as I put a wide smile on, he jumped slightly which caused the hand that he was holding that mysterious object to lift up, making me able to see that the object was... a vape?
"Don't scare me like that you little shit..."
He hid away the vape that he was holding, probably hoping that I didn't see it.
"I never knew you vaped, I honestly didn't expect it from you either."
My facade fell into a blank stare at him, but averting eye-contact. He seemed a bit shocked that I saw it but just sighed.
"I use it as a coping mechanism, I've tried to stop my addiction but it came back every time..."
He leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky, I just sat down besides him and started eating my food.
"It's not a healthy one, try drawing, writing or even talking about your feelings. Don't isolate yourself, it won't help you."
I broke off a piece of bread and some cheese, handing him the food. He stared at it for a bit before taking it and eating up.
"Thanks... but why? I thought you hated me.."
He questioned as I finished eating.
"Even if I hate you... I don't want you skipping dinner again, you need to eat too."
I placed the plate down, then I heard a click as I leg go of the plate.
"What the-"
Before either of us had time to react, the floor beneath us opened and we both slid down into a hole, falling onto a pile of trash bags.
"Ugh... what the hell?"
I whined as I rubbed my head that was now aching, I looked around and saw Momota getting up from the trash bags and looking around. It looked like a simple bunker, there was a door and a screen. I got up too and headed towards the screen, tapping it a few times as Momota walked over. The screen then suddenly turned on, causing me to jump. I was about to fall but someone had caught me in their arms, and that person was Momota.
I felt my face warm up slightly as I saw his face becoming slightly red as he helped me up on my feet.
He mumbled an apology before we heard an annoying voice coming from the Tv.
"Heya kiddos! I see you found the hidden mini-game I made for those who prefer to be sneaky, well I'll explain the rules now."
It was Monokuma, of course it was, he controls this whole academy.
"This is an escape room, you have fifteen minutes to find a way out of the room before you get punished! The trash bags were only for breaking your fall, so don't bother checking those. Also, no hints! Bye bye now!"
The screen turned off, leaving us both completely confused and slightly panicked. I looked around the room again, it seemed like a basic escape room mystery... just more creepy.
"Start searching around, see if there are any possible steps to take."
I said, causing Kaito to snap out of his daydream apparently.
"Right. We can do this!"
He smiled brightly and pumped his fists up, trying to seem confident but I knew he's both creeped out and scared.


I stepped forward and walked up to a desk, looking around to see a small chest sitting around with a bunch of papers scattered near it. I tried to open the chest but turns out it was locked, I picked up a few papers and started looking through them, they seemed like they were sort of blueprints or sketches. There was one that stood out, it was about the chest sitting on the table but everything was covered in ink that looks like it was spilled by accident.
I placed the paper down and took a deep breath, I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone rest their head against my back. I turned my head towards the person to see it was Kokichi hugging me, he looked up and smiled brightly at me.
"Why are you hugging me?"
I asked as he let go, allowing me to turn my body a bit more.
"No reason, anyways did ya find anything?"
He asked as he stepped forward to inspect the desk. He grabbed the chest and started rotating it, probably to inspect it better.
"If you could find me something thin and long, I could probably lock-pick it open."
He placed down the chest and turned to me, he grabbed my goatee and pulled me lower, just so our faces with a decimeter apart.
"Could you do that for me?"
He grinned at me for letting my goatee go and walking away.
~He really is abnormal, isn't he..~
I thought to myself before looking up at the ceiling, there was a small vent that looked like it needed a key to be opened.
"Hey Ouma, did you find a key anywhere?"
I asked, I turned to him and felt a small hard object hit my forehead, causing me to stumble backwards.
"Oops, didn't mean to aim at your forehead!"
He snickered as I rolled my eyes.
I picked up the key and tried to reach the vent but it was too high up. I looked around and noticed an arm chair that seemed stable enough sitting in the corner. I walked over and grabbed the armchair, dragging it under the vent and stepping on top of it.
I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned it, as the vent flew open a thin long wire fell on top of my head, bouncing off of my head and landing on the floor with a clink. I rubbed my head and focused my attention back to the vent, there was a small cardboard box taped against the side, I ripped it off the wall and put it inside my pocket, then proceeding to descend from the chair.
I felt a pair of hands be pressed against my chest before I stumbled back onto the chair with a small impact. I looked up to see Ouma standing in front of me, both of his hands gripping the supports of the armchair. He leaned in closer as he had that mischievous smile on his face.
"What are you doing Ouma?"
I asked with a stern look, he didn't reply and just snickered.
He placed his knee onto the chair between my legs and wrapped one of his hands around my neck, his thumb pressing against the front of my neck. I felt my face warm up slightly as a shadow faded most of his face, the only thing that was visible was his stupid smirk.
He let go of my neck and walked to the side of the chair, seemingly picking up the wire and walking over to the chest as if nothing happened. I sat on the chair for a bit, questioning what just happened as my face cooled off.


"God this is so stupid! We've been here for multiple minutes and nothing is helping!"
I groaned as I gripped onto the handle of the door and turned it, I heard a click as the door opened immediately.
"Soo, the door was open this whole time and we wasted time on a stupid pointless puzzle?"
Asked Ouma that was standing beside me now.
I just cursed under my breath and walked out, there was another Tv screen in the room along with a stairway that seemed like it led to the dorms.
"Congratulations! You escaped the room in under ten minutes, what a record! You may exit through the stairs and go to sleep, after-all it's already nearly ten PM!"
And then the screen shut off, leaving us both dumbfounded... mostly me as Ouma apparently knew that the door wasn't locked.
"Let's just.. pretend this never happened."
I said before making my way up to the dorms, Ouma didn't budge but rather walked back into the room, I didn't care honestly.

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