Apocalyptic Greeting [Pregame Saimatsu]

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⚠️Warning! This may contain very descriptive gore and death! Continue with caution⚠️

An apocalypse, that's what's happening. Everyone is running around, trying to stay alive just to not be eaten. Fighting for their lives, fighting for loved ones that they have lost. Saihara is as well.
He was crouching down behind a concrete wall, it was slightly broken down but it was good enough to hide his presence, there was a horde of zombies a bit away from the wall he was hiding behind.
~I had to get past somehow..~
He thought to myself as he peaked past the wall, they weren't moving yet, and they all seemed to be turned away.. except for one. He noticed Saihara peeking from behind the wall and let out a loud roar, causing the other zombies to now look at his direction, meaning that the cover was blown.
He got up and quickly reloaded his pistol, he had to be at least a bit prepared. Some started rushing towards him and some limped forward, Saihara ran left and tried to find somewhere to hide.
There was an underground train station that was familiar to hum, not too far ahead as well. But he didn't know how safe it is, so he won't bother getting myself cornered.
Ge ran far into the woods, hoping he could lose them but he could never be too sure. Saihara had noticed a small abandoned building ahead, it looked stable enough and like a good hiding spot. He sprinted forward, hoping to be a bit faster than the rotting corpses that were chasing me beforehand.
He quickly grabbed the handle and twisted it, opening the the door and rushing in. He slammed the door behind him and quickly ran to the basement, it seemed pretty rusty and old so the zombies might not be able to smell him from down here.
Saihara quickly but steadily walked down the stairs, making sure that he was safe, looking around almost immediately and checking every corner and side of the room.
~There seems to be no zombies here for now, so I think I'm safe.~
Saihara thought to myself as he placed my pistol into my pocket, he was exhausted from running and he's not sure how many supplies he had left. He had let out a deep breath when he heard steps behind me...
And then there was a roar.




There was a zombie with him.
Saihara quickly turned around to see the rotting corpse standing in front of him, it quickly picked up the pace and launched itself at him, tackling Saihara to the ground before he even had time to react.
He had pushed it off and sat up properly so he could grab the pistol, but it grabbed his shoulder and his wrist, holding him tightly as it bit into his neck.
It tore off the flesh, bit by bit. Saihara yelled in pain as he kept trying to pry the zombie off, he was too distracted by the zombie to even manage on shooting it or even getting the gun.
The corpse kept ripping off flesh and eating it like it had been starving for a while now, it clawed onto his skin and ripped it apart, it even tore his muscles.
Saihara had gotten too weak to even manage on fighting anymore, it hurt. Too much for him to handle. He had gotten so far, even though he got separated from his closest friends.
He fell backwards as the zombie had relaxed its grip a bit, it tore of parts of his sleeves and shirt, trying to get as much flesh exposed as possible. This was his end, he didn't even manage to say goodbye to anyone. Not even his uncle nor family.
The zombie dug into his chest, his arms, his legs, his face, his stomach. Pulling out guts and flesh, eating it all up like it wad starving for ages. Breaking his skull open so it could reach his brain, it clawed into his now shattered head, ripping out bits by bits. Slicing and cutting its numb hand in the process.
That's it, he's gone now.
Just like everyone else.
He had worked so hard to survive with everyone and reunite, yet he failed that. Now Saihara was silently suffering in pain, being eaten alive by force. Will anyone find him ever? Will he rot here?
But of course he didn't have an answer, his eyes went from shock to a resting face, he had wanted to survive with everyone. Meet everyone again. But not this time, no no.. not this time.





Weeks, months, a whole year has passed since this all started. I've been trying to find my classmates all this time, my family, my friends. Shuichi.
Shuichi had been a good friend of mine, and I admit that I might have a small crush on him.. but I haven't been able to find him. I was in need of shelter right now though, it was winter so most of the zombies were hibernating and I could walk around more without being so wary.
I took the path through the forest, searching around for a hut or some sort of building to hide in for the winter, when I saw an old slightly broken down two story house not too far from the forest. Pretty much just sitting in the middle of no where. It seemed like a good shelter though, it wasn't so broken down and it was far from the city.
I sprinted forward and ran to it, of course I'd have to make sure no zombies were hibernating or chilling in there before I could move in temporarily. But that wouldn't be a problem thanks to the weapons I was able to find and acquire. I grabbed the door handle and noticed that it was actually locked, which meant someone had been there before. I looked around and saw a few broken windows, I decided to find the one that had the biggest gap and climb through it.
The inside wasn't much special, it was a basic 80s styled house with mid quality furniture, of course the windows would have to be fixed and the mess would have to be cleaned but it seemed pretty decent. I looked around a bit, checking each corner and such to make sure there were no zombies here, that's when I noticed a basement behind the stairs. Naturally I get creeped out by basements and that's understandable, but I have to make sure I'm safe somehow.
I walked over to the door and pushed it open, there was a slight dim light at the bottom and it seemed to flicker every once in a while. I cautiously walked down the creaking stairs, holding my baseball bat up close to me. As I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I noticed there were a few supplies I could use to grow crops in spring so that's great.
I stepped forward and looked around a bit more, it seemed like there were no zombies.. but I was wrong.
I heard a slight roar from behind me, I swiftly turned around to see a familiar face now ripped apart. It launched at me and tackled me to the ground, I held onto my baseball bat and tried to push it away. When I noticed that it was..
I accidentally said out loud.
He looked terrible, his right cheek had a tear that revealed his yellow teeth, one of his eyes were white and there was a lot of flesh missing from him.
I pushed him off and pinned him down with my baseball bat, making sure I wouldn't hurt him. He was still pretty hostile so I had to be careful, very careful.
"Shuichi.. do you remember who I am? Your best friend, Kaede."
I asked, but he just kept trying to pry out of my grip, he didn't seem to show any reaction to it, none at all.. but then I remembered.
I moved up and sat on his still covered chest, holding his arms down with my legs as I held the baseball bat against his neck with my hand. I lifted up my other hand forward and he seemed to react to it, turning away almost immediately. I lowered it down, making sure he couldn't bite me and ruffled his hair. I put the baseball bat away from his neck and caressed his cheek gently, he immediately melted into the physical affection he was getting and wrapped his hands around my wrist softly.
"Hehe, you still love physical affection like you always did.."
I smiled as I got off his chest, allowing him to sit up.
I got a more clear view of him now.
Both of his eyes were pure white, there was an exposed bone on his shoulder and arm, his stomach was ripped open, revealing his guts slightly. His hair was messed up and he was covered in blood. I would've wanted to throw up if I wasn't used to it.
He slowly crawled closer to me and wrapped his arms around my neck, burying his face into my shoulder as I returned the hug.
"I promise to find a cure for you Shuichi, I will find one."
I whispered softly as he played with my hair, I could hear a bit of mumbling coming from him.
"Th..an..k y-you.."
He had managed to communicate, so he could probably talk but it sounded like he had a hard time, I'll inspect that later. I should probably get to work.
"You're welcome."

This was suggested by @YoshikingBoi96
Thank you for the request, I had fun writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it if you did!

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