The field, I remember. [Saiibo]

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I heard a voice yell from behind me, it was Kiibo, the person I've had a crush on for quite a bit but I never took the opportunity to tell him.
"Ah, hello Kiibo!"
I smiled softly as he stopped in front of me.
He looked up at me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I returned the hug by wrapping my own around him, enjoying the moment of contact as these don't happen too often considering Kiibo gets awkward during physical contact in such way.
"So, what is it that you wanted?"
I asked as I let go of the hug, allowing him to back up a bit.
"I found a very nice field in the garden and I thought we could hang out there!"
He said, lifting his arms up in an excited manner.
"Of course, lead the way."
I smiled at how adorable he was, feeling my cheeks warm up slightly as he gripped onto my hand and started walking away, me following behind him.
"Slow down Kiibo, I can't walk that fast."
I chuckled as he mumbled an apology and slowed down a bit. How could someone not admire him?
As we reached the garden, we stepped through the large gate covered in a small dark green bush. As we walked through the garden, full of different plants and fungi, we stopped a few times to look at a few of the pretty ones and I allowed Kiibo to explain to me what they all were.
"Hey Kiibo?"
I stopped in my tracks as I called out.
"What's this flower?"
I asked him, pointing at a white four pointed star shaped flower.
"Oh! That's a white lily! In other words the Lilium candidum or the Madonna lily, it's a plant in the true lily family. It is native to the Balkans and Middle East, and naturalized in other parts of Europe, including France, Italy, and Ukraine, and in North Africa, the Canary Islands, Mexico, and other regions! It represents purity and rebirth!"
He explained happily as I listened intensively. I found it interesting, as I was pretty much an inside person so I don't know much about the nature other than some basics.
"It reminds me of you.."
I said, admiring him in my mind and not realizing what I said sounded romantic.
"Ah?! R-Really?.."
His face changed color as he panicked, not knowing what to say to that.
I felt my own face warm up as I averted eye contact and panicked a bit inside. We just continued further in an awkward silence until we reached our destination.
I looked forward at the field, it was a nicely cut green field, a few trees surrounding it but not too many. There was a patch of the white lilies and I decided to walk over to it, laying down near it, Kiibo sitting down besides me.
"Hey Kiibo?"
I called out to him as he turned his head to me.
"Why did you want to hang out? And why this field specifically?"
I asked, I was pretty curious on it so I'd be interested to hear his response.
"I just... wanted to spend time with you. And I thought you'd like this field, but it's alright if not! I can change the place!"
He confessed.
"Hey hey, it's alright! I was just curious on why, promise."
I reassured him, letting him relax and lay down with me. I entwined my hand with his and held onto it, smiling as I admired him. I wondered if this was a good opportunity to tell him, but I wasn't sure.
"Hey Kiibo?"
I said as I turned my head towards him.
"Have you ever fallen in love?"
I asked. His face fell blank, nothing to be seen other than a wonder surrounding his head.
"Not that I remember... I never really knew what love felt like, so I'm not sure myself."
He sighed, gripping onto my hand a bit tighter.
"I could help with that.. if you want of course!"
I offered, panicking a bit at the end.
"..I'd like that. Thank you Shuichi."
He smiled at me, that lovely adorable smile of his. I loved it, I really did.
Too bad he was gone now.
I thought to myself as I opened my eyes, laying in the same field, broken pieces of ruins surrounding me from the incident. The lilies were still intact, those were the only part of him left. I loved them, because of him. I never managed to confess, but deep down.. I knew he felt the same.
I loved his bright personality, I loved his adorable smile, and I loved his serious analyzations. I missed that, he was really amazing, and I hope he's doing better now.
"Thank you Kiibo... sorry I never got to say that. And, I love you.. Please remember that."
I said, smiling at the thought of him.

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