The differences between hallucinations and illusions.

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A bathroom. That's what I saw. It wasn't just any bathroom, it was the school bathroom. A bathroom where I always ended up finding myself at. It was an endless loop, I couldn't prevent it even if I desired to. The sound of tap water running as I sat against the wall in one of the many stalls. The sound of water always relaxed me, even the feeling. I just felt safe...
But of course that's for now.
Each day it got worse, I couldn't stop it, it continues no matter what and I despise it. But of course I made it happen, why wouldn't I? My thoughts are static, but the minute a sound of an unknown source echoes through my head, it just becomes the flashing red light on an ambulance. It's the moment when I can't feel safe, no matter what I do. They always say, "just breathe in, and breathe out. Deep breaths."
But it never helps, meditation makes me focused on my surroundings and not on my thoughts. it's not like I'd love to focus on either.
I feel stupid for believing all these deceiving lies I get told, every god damn day. They all take it as a joke, as something funny. But it's not. I can't feel safe around anyone. Anything. Anywhere. I write in a journal everything, but it's all just scribbles. They look like words to me, but others can't read them.
That's the point.
But maybe I have to admit, I've always wondered the difference between these. The bathroom and the mirror. An illusion and a hallucination. I'm not really in this bathroom, I'm merely an addition to it. A conscious for it to exist. But the bathroom itself is what I know is not true. Myself however, I do not know.
I've always wondered the difference between an illusion and a hallucination. Is there any difference? Is everything we know all just pointless consciousness, or is it all just a circus to entertain those who can't accept wrath.
I should get up.
They'll get mad again.
I don't like them mad.
I don't like them in any way.
They're all asshole.
Mere additions to my misery.
But they enjoy it.
I'm glad they do.
Cause one day...

I'll enjoy theirs.
"Hajime! Get up, we're in the middle of class."
I lifted my head up, I wasn't in the bathroom anymore. Rather the classroom.
Ah.. it seems I fell asleep again.
Huh? No. My name is not Hajime. Who might I be? This is not a classroom. It's the place I was told to stay at.
"Kamukura. I told you that today would be the day."
I focused my eyes and saw none other than Junko Enoshima standing in front of me. What a bother.
She just stared at me, though I sent no reply, she was able to understand.
"I get that you find all of this boring one way or the other, but we have a serious job to do."
She just spoke, like nothing mattered, even if I was listening or not.
"Without finishing the plan, I can't make it exciting for you like I promised..."
Her wicked smile returned. She's always been a strange figure. But predictable.
"I had already mentioned that no matter what you attempt to do, I will not find any interest in it. Yet you still continue to look for any answers that'll let you make it happen."
I spoke up. She always seemed to understand, she always knew.
Why did she know?
What does she know?

"Hajime Hinata."
I perked my head up a bit more from the sudden name mention.
"That's the body you've harvested and claimed as your own."
Her stare was blank. Everything around me was blank. All I saw were her eyes piercing into me.
"You're not suppose to be here Kamukura."
She moved forward.
"Actually. Hajime. You're the one that should have disappeared."
I grunted at the sudden comment, gripping onto my blouse and tie.
"Shut up."
"You were the one that decided to let it go. You decided to give it all away just for a feeling of SELF WORTHY."
"Shut up..."
"And you can't even do that... wow you really are fucking useless!"
I gripped onto my hair, falling down onto the ground behind the trial stand. Everyone was just shocked, staring at me.
They always stare at me.
I should be used to this by now...
"Why aren't you used to it Izuru."

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