The Exorcise [Himiu]

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Iruma said she wanted to have a sleepover for some reason, I'm guessing it was meant to be a date but because of how tired I get from not being able to sleep at night, I wouldn't be surprised if she had changed the plans for me.
I had been walking to her lab and finally reached it, why did it have to be so far anyway?
I knocked on the door twice and waited a few seconds, before it swung open— catching me off guard.
I nearly fell but was able to keep my stability.
"Oh, it's you— donkey-lips"
I stared in disbelief, is that really how to greet someone or is that just her way of doing so.
"I told you to stop calling me that Iruma!"
I pouted at her offensive nickname.
"It's just hilarious to see your reaction though!"
She laughed, patting my head.
"Now, come on in! Don't leave me waiting!"
She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside, even though I could walk in by myself.
She pulled me towards a couch and pushed me on it, sitting down next to me and grabbing the remote.
"Wanna watch a horror movie?"
She smirked because she knew I get terrified easily, but I didn't  want her to call me a pussy because I said no.
"Fine, but I get to pick!"
She nodded her head and turned to the horror section, before giving me the remote.
"Pick something good though, I don't wanna be bored the hell out of my mind!"
I decided to pick The Exorcise, it seemed interesting enough honestly— I did not expect it to be absolutely terrifying.
We ended up yelling our lungs out every five seconds and hugging each other tightly, Iruma was even crying.
"I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight!"
I yelled.
After some time, the movie had finally finished and we were both crying our eyes out of fear. I had noticed that I was literally on Iruma's lap, snuggling against her. She seemed pretty embarrassed but she is a bit awkward with being touched anyway.
"Nyeh, sorry."
I lifted my head from her and looked her in the eyes, I wasn't sure what to do.
"It's— fine! Don't w...worry about it."
She smiled awkwardly, seeing her nice was weird to be honest. She'd usually be really insulting or just an overall asshole.
"Do you maybe wanna go to sleep?... You get tired easily, so you're probably tired if I'm not wrong... Not that I care or anything."
I smiled and hugged her, accidentally pushing her down onto the couch as I got comfortable on her, I wrapped my arms around her back, as she wrapped hers around my waist.
"Nyeh, goodnight Iruma."
I closed my eyes and had already fallen asleep, I guess I really was exhausted.

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