Silent mockery. [Tenkangie?]

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Hm? A light?
Wonder why, hopefully no friend was breaking the rules!
It's for their safety.
She walked towards the source of the light, it was Tenko's ultimate lab. She usually doesn't stay up late, saying how she needs energy to exercise tomorrow morning.
Angie wonders what she's doing.

Knock knock.
I turned towards the large door, separating the outside and the inside.
Was it one of them?
Of course it had to be, they're the only ones around at this time.
'Come in...'
I turned back around, staring at the floor as I heard footsteps approach me. Light foot steps.
'Why is Tenko up so late? She should be resting for her renewed strength tomorrow given thus spoken Kami-sama!'
Who did I expect. I don't even know.
Why her out of everyone, especially right now.
I took a deep breath and looked up, staring in front of me.
'I couldn't sleep. So I decided to come here to meditate. My apolo.. gies.'
I hesitated, I didn't want to apologize. I have a right to stay out at night if I want to. We shouldn't be forced away by stupid rules that won't help.
'Kami-sama forgives everyone! What troubles Tenko?'
I turned my head towards her, staring at her with a blank but frustrated expression.
'It's nothing. Meditation just allows you to sleep better...'
I continued taking deep breaths, I just need to stay calm.
Just stay calm Tenko.
'Is Tenko mad at Angie?'
I clenched my fists at those words. Of course I was mad.
'I'm not mad.'
I continued to take deep breathes, hearing the footsteps approaching. They weren't soft anymore.
Almost stomps if an Angel was stomping. They were louder.
I felt hands on my shoulder, it wasn't a tight grip, they were just there.
'Kami-sama does not like liars. Tenko knows that right?'
I continued to take deep breathes.
I ignored her.
I felt one of her hands slither around to my neck. They held onto it.
'Is Tenko mad at Angie for being around Himiko so much.'
It became tightener.
'Does Tenko feel jealous?'
Just breathe.
'How sad. Tenko doesn't feel loved.'
Just ignore her.
'Tenko is mad at Angie for having Himiko by her side. Isn't she?'
It stopped.
'Angie apologizes dearly. Angie finds Tenko very lovely, she finds it sad that Tenko doesn't feel so much validation, even with the amount Kami-sama gives.'
'I don't believe in Gods.'
'Angie knows you don't participate in religion, no worries.'
'You're not mad?'
'Angie could never be mad at Tenko, Tenko is very sweet about protecting everyone by joining our beliefs.'
I didn't believe that. But I didn't want to make a fuss out of it.
'Why thank Angie?'
'For being understanding I guess...'

She didn't reply, she simply handed me a broken seashell, well the pieces of one, and left.
I wonder what it meant... But I put the pieces together and stared at the seashell.

She always loved being symbolic.
I just needed to know what it meant.

DANGRANONPA ONESHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ