VIII The King of Stone and Wood

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~ Thranduil ~

Woodland Realm, 3018 TA, October

Everyone and everything bowed down to his will. He was a born and bred king. He was born in the First Age and dwelt around Middle-Earth for too long. He'd seen enough and was now free of flames and suffering. No human, elf, nor dwarf could possibly endure and live with such pain for millennia. Thranduil succeeded Oropher as king of the Woodland Realm at the beginning of the Third Age. Greenwood's Silvan population was decimated as a result of enormous losses at the Battle of Dagorlad. It became concentrated mostly on the hills, which were dubbed Emyn Duir at the time.

After Sauron's invasion, Greenwood grew darker.

Mirkwood was once known as Greenwood; the forest was previously a part of the huge primaeval woods that covered the majority of Middle-earth during the Years of the Trees and was likely connected to Lothlórien across the Anduin. These Silvan Elves, unable to traverse the Misty Mountains, likewise lived in Anduin's forested valleys. Silvan or Wood-elves were their given names. The Longbeard Dwarves built the Old Forest Road very early in Greenwood's history to connect their realm in the Misty Mountains to Erebor and the Iron Hills.

Giant spiders and bats and orcs in Dol Guldur's service occupied the forest, and it became thicker, darker, and covered in cobwebs. This caused the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood to retreat even further, residing apparently exclusively in the Elvenking's Halls at the Forest River's eastern end. The ancient Old Forest Road was abandoned by men and Dwarves alike, with a new but seldom used path being made further from Dol Guldur and the Hobbits near the forest's eastern border migrated away.

Thranduil, the only son of Oropher, was a Sindarin Elf of Doriath who became the King of the Silvan Elves of Greenwood after his father was slain. He was the only son of Oropher. A son of Kings. He was mostly unconcerned with the affairs of the world beyond Mirkwood unless a common enemy was shared or for trade. He also had his halls delved underground, fashioned partly in memory of the mighty, but long-lost, Menegroth of Doriath. In north-eastern Mirkwood, they were near the Forest River behind great, stone gates. His realm was also protected by the Enchanted River, which could cause one to sleep and dream deeply, whilst the Elvenking's Halls served as a fortress.

The world could fall through his feet. He was the Elvenking of the dense and heavy woodland that made up much of the eastern portion of Rhovanion. He was the ruler of the natural land included the northern part of the forest. The ruler of Mirkwood was resting against the wooden and stoned crafted throne with a face of utter nonchalance as if he were merely waiting for the time to pass. Thranduil, lounging out on his throne, hanging out on one side less than the other, in the coolest way.

Yet, The Elvenking was not only bitterly cold and cruel. His true self was only revealed to the people he held dear. He was concerned for his people and his family. He had seen the darkness in Mordor. His heart had succumbed to despair and sadness. Nonetheless, he was a proud King. He was also younger, in love, and cheerful at times. Everything began before the Last Alliance's conflict.

When Thranduil resided in Doriath with his father. His route overlaps with that of a Silvan Elf one day. She was fair and charming. Eleyewn was her given name. Thranduil had been in love with her from the first moment he laid eyes on her. Indeed, several Elves were enchanted by her beauty and charm. Eleyewn was the polar opposite of Elvenking. She was nice and compassionate, modest and intelligent. Thranduil was the polar opposite. The only thing they had in common was their fearlessness. Sufficiently courageous to fall in love with each other. They made such an enchanted pair.

It took them years to realize their likeness. Thranduil made every effort to avoid falling in love with a Silvan Elf. Oropher would never accept the bonding of his own son with a lowly Silvan Elf. Eleyewn, on the other hand, could never convey her genuine feelings towards Thranduil, knowing Oropher's judgment of her kin. Even after they admitted their emotions to one another, their love for one another remained a secret. They hoped they could freely love one another. Unfortunately, they were unable to do so at the moment.

Centuries went by. Oropher ascended to the throne of Greenwood the Great's Silvan Elves. His attitude toward the Silvan elves had evolved throughout the years. Thranduil, however, kept his love for Eleyewn an untold secret. The last alliance was formed shortly afterwards. And they were on the verge of war. That was a terrible period; no one spoke about love. Oropher was killed at the Battle of Dagorlad. And Thranduil succeeded his father on the throne. He eventually ascended to the throne of the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood in the Woodland Realm.

Eleyewn, who was brave than the Elvenking at the time. Decided on a course of action and proceeded to Greenwood. How could she remain away while Thranduil was overwhelmed by misery and sorrowfulness? She rode to Greenwood for no apparent purpose. It was entirely her decision. Her parents respected her decision. She discovered a vastly altered Thranduil upon her arrival. Grief reawakened his harshness and cruelty. Eleyewn, on the other hand, did not linger or weep. She saw through his anguish and stayed at his side.

Decade after decade, until the Elvenking's tears for Oropher were muffled. Until he was acknowledged as King by the Silvan Elves. He regained his identity. Without Eleyewn, he would never discover himself. He would never have become the magnificent King. He would always act in the best interests of his people.

Their tie was finally sealed, and Eleyewn was crowned Queen of Greenwood. Managing a kingdom, however, was not a simple job. Both of them spent considerable time on it. They had been married for a long time and had no children. Eleyewn seized the chance, doing all she could to resurrect the lost alliances. She travelled extensively. Thranduil was often taken aback by his wife. She was becoming more courageous. He was always telling her how concerned he was about her. Nonetheless, he never forbade her from travelling. Because he was greatly seduced by her free and courageous character. He began to refuse her travel only after the orcs had already occupied Greenwood.

Those were very hazardous days.

As they thought, things could not get worse. The Queen was pregnant. Twelve months after, she gave birth to a boy. Legolas! Thranduil's life had another meaning now. He had a wife and a son. Most important things in his life. Even around dark times like those. He managed to find happiness. And life could not be better, it was difficult. It was hard. But there was happiness.

Until his world collapsed, in the most tragic way. The Queen started to travel again. Thranduil, could not keep her locked inside. The queen was attacked by orcs and had been taken prisoner to Gundabad, where she died, and Thranduil never spoke of her, as if she had never existed, to begin with. Thranduil had already made up his mind to protect his son.

It was the only reason he never left for the Grey Havens. He dealt with his grief, as he became colder and distant after his wife passed away. But, he remained behind as the Elvenking. He would never let Legolas have his fate. He never really talked to his son. And Legolas only remembered little things about his mother. His father was distant, not allowing him to feel loved.

Legolas spoke more with his actions than his words. Even as a young Elfing, there was no noise and any kind of disturbing. And now 500 years later, the son, that was supposed to succeed him would never return to Mirkwood. Truth be told, Thranduil was preoccupied with more pressing matters. Orcs, goblins, and numerous other evil creatures had upped their assaults to the point that he was forced to re-establish old ties.

The high court and the wooden elves wanted the prince married and with an heir. An elfin birth would provide hope to such sad times. The Elvenking knew what was best for his people, but he would not willingly sacrifice Legolas, his only son, for their sake. He had offered and reclaimed the throne of Mirkwood in the midst of all the darkness and misery. However, he would not like for his only son to follow in his footsteps.

Thranduil was certain that Legolas would never return. He would never marry. He would never be able to see his grandkids. The only thing that brought him comfort was the fact that his son was far away from Mirkwood, far away from him. His son was long gone, and now his only mission was to fight the darkness that was rising in Mirkwood.

Ultimately, the moment would come to rise to war.

((Upcoming Chapter Nine))

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