XXVIII: Cushy Naked Disasters

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Imladris, 3018 TA, December 23

Fall was drawing to a close; the golden light gradually faded to pale silver, and the last of the autumn leaves dropped from the bare trees. From the Misty Mountains to the east, a wind started to blow cool. The moon waned in the night sky, displacing all the minor stars. However, down toward the south, a single crimson star blazed. Each night, when the Moon began to wane, it shined much brighter.

The future, whether good or bad, was not forgotten, but it lost all influence on the present. The selected company grew strong in health, and they were satisfied with each pleasant day as it came, relishing every meal and every speech. Thus the days passed, each morning bright and sunny and each evening cold and clear.

The scouts started to return. The lord of Imladris had sent them out to scout the area and find news before the fellowship would depart. Some had travelled north past the Hoarwell's springs into the Ettenmoors; others had travelled west and sought the territories far down the Greyflood with the assistance of Aragorn and the Rangers. Numerous people had travelled east and south; some had crossed the Mountains and reached Mirkwood. Elladan and Elrohir, Elrond's sons, were the last to arrive; they had travelled a long trip, travelling down the Silverlode into a distant nation, yet they would not speak of their mission to anybody but Elrond.

The messengers had detected no traces or news of the Riders or any servants of the Enemy in any location. They have received no new information from the Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Nothing of Gollum had been seen or heard, but the wild wolves had gathered and were once again hunting far up the Great River. The scouts had only seen orc troops that were often sighted near Imladris's boundaries. However, those orcs were not looking for the one ring or for Frodo.

The time had come, and it was time for the fellowship to depart. It was decided to start at dusk on December 25, for Elrond counselled them to journey under cover of night as often as they could until they were far from Rivendell. The Company took little gear of war, for their hope was in secrecy not in battle and they packed a great number of supplies. Half of the supplies were returned as the poor pony could not handle the weight.

She had been at the House of Elrond for about two months, and November had passed with the final vestiges of autumn, and December was almost over. In the last month, nothing much had happened. She spent her days talking to the members of the fellowship, Elrond and his children as she was trying to understand a little better Middle-Earth and their mission.

She had spotted the elf a few times dining with Aragorn or conversing with the twins. However, he was not seen for the remainder of the days or nights. She eventually inquired about him with Arwen, who informed her that he was still recuperating and needed time away from everyone and everything. She never spotted him around the opening like she used to, and that absence slowly started to make its presence noticeable.

Legolas was weary; he was relieved to be safe in Imladris, where he could rest and mend. Legolas had already seen hardship, most notably when he lost his mother. In Imladris, he rediscovered himself and the will to live. This month's tiredness, on the other hand, was not as severe. He felt better during the second week, but Elrond and Gandalf insisted on his complete recovery.

As a consequence, the young prince was irritated, bringing out his spoilt nature. While he appreciated the peacefulness of Imladris, having nothing but peace for a month was his particular hell. Without Aragorn and the twins to keep him occupied, he would have ended up challenging the human to a fight. That was the extent of his desperation.

"Will you join us in the Hall of Fire, where the majority of the company will be for a last meal and farewell?" Elladan asked Legolas, knowing he would agree after spending too much time in solitude.

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