XLIX: The Tower of Orthanc

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「The Lord of the Rings

「Two Towers」


~ XLIX: The Tower of Orthanc ~

East Emnet, 3019 TA, February 29

At the southern end of the Misty Mountains near the Gap of Rohan stood the stone tower of Orthanc. Its fields were formerly lush green, and a river flowed from the mountain to form a lake. Nothing grew around Isengard after the White Wizard's betrayal, the trees were destroyed, and the river was dammed. The tower was taken into an onward night, regardless of neither time nor sun, yet came the booming exclamations under the earth and lightning struck again and again. As the lightning cracked the sky, echoing sounds barraged the underground Halls, that were used to create Uruk-Hai by burning trees and anything alive to cross life forms and produce more soldiers for Saruman.

Isengard was the name of the great fortress, and she had seen the images in the children's book that the elf had given her months ago. However, the valley in which Isengard resided soon became known as "Nan Curunír" [the Wizard's Vale]. The valley was filled with multiple Orcs, Uruks, Goblins, Wargs and Trolls and it was a place of rising darkness and torture.

In the blackness of her own space, no light travelled or sound. It was not a pure blackness that came with the night, there was evil there, an evil that did not sleep or rest. The dark chamber seemed like a time portal, a hell to be anxious with consequence. In that sense, the darkness was a Gateway to Hell, a place to lose oneself and forget what the world had to be done. She needed to be away aware of the madness. So, in the darkness that stole even her own shape, she tried to awake.

At first glance, she noticed a window in front of her that served as a doorway to the world below. There was darkness, raging flames, booming noises, and the odour of rotting flesh. The broken glass rested on the floor of the black marvel as if awaiting a century of ocean waves to soften its jagged edges. There, in the corner of the room, stood a tall, slender elderly guy with long white hair and a beard. His face was elongated and his eyes were dark and profound.

He saw the person shackled to the stone in front of him, and she was brought to him quicker than his power would have permitted. Upon receiving a strike to the back of her head, she seemed to have lost consciousness, much to his amazement and sustained little damage. There was crusted blood around her forehead and neck, indicating a significant injury.

The child was beautiful, with pale skin and elf-like features. But he would torment her with his Uruk-Hai until she succumbed to the darkness. The young one would be the focal centre of the metamorphosis, and his new master would strive to break her. However, he had to wait because she was not in Isengard and he had just captured her in her dreams. It would take his troops days to reach Isengard, and he could no longer wait. He had awaited meeting the youngster for a very long time.

"Welcome to Orthanc, Child," a spooky voice said as the human became completely aware of its surroundings.

Her eyesight returned, and she saw the old guy in front of her wearing white ropes and seeming less frightening than she had anticipated. "Isengard?" she said, attempting to regain her stance, only to discover that her arms and legs were chained. She put the chains around her wrists and requested her release while glaring at the elderly guy.

The White Wizard grinned and skipped beside her, carefully examining her while disregarding her warnings. "Yes, you are in Isengard, Treegarth of Orthanc, Child! Your time in Rivendell was not wasted, since you learned enough to recognise the old Fortress," he continued. "It is unfortunate that we must wait until your arrival to show you to your new residence."

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