XLII: Mirkwood's Wicked Wine

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Caras Galadhon, 3019 TA, January 20

The Fellowship was resting under the umber-brown, ancient forest. It reeked of age. Its woody incense was from centuries of branches with golden leaves that were dropping to the forest's floor. Every sprawling tree they had passed under reminded them of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves. The golden Mallorn trees shone brighter than they have in a long time. She had to close her eyes for a little while to adjust to the light. There were several Elves in the area. 'Was that place so crowded every day?' The fellowship was within walking distance. Aragorn, Gimli, and Boromir seemed to be having a serious debate. The hobbits were discussing meals they had missed and food. And Pippin had just returned after a long trek in search of more food.

"Merry, were you aware of Elvish wine?" Pippin abruptly inquired, capturing everyone's attention "Mirkwood Wine, I've heard, is a very powerful wine. Is that correct, Strider?"

When Aragorn heard Pippin talk about the Elvish wine, he interrupted the argument and raised his eyes to him. "How did you learn about Mirkwood's wine?" He was fully aware of the strength of the woodland realm's wine. It was indeed so potent that it may have harmed even the Elvenking.

"However, is it true?" Pippin persisted in discovering the truth while staring intently at Aragorn.

He was well aware that Pippin would raise trouble again, yet even in that scenario, he chose to warn them about the wine of Mirkwood. He rose and moved over to the Pippin, where he sat. He noted that everyone, even the human, appeared intrigued by what he was going to reveal.

"You are probably familiar with Ale, which is consumed by Hobbits, Dunlendings, Men of Gondor and Rohan, and a variety of others. It may be found in a wide range of buildings, from Shire and Dunland pubs to Gondorian fortifications and Ranger camps." Aragorn said, and Pippin nodded in agreement "Ale is a wheat-based, low-alcohol beverage. A weak ale has 0.75 percent alcohol, while a robust brew contains 9 percent, making it the least alcoholic non-magical beverage alcoholic."

"We are familiar with Ale; in the Shire, we have our own brew," Pippin told him. "How about the elfish wine?"

"Are you even of drinking age?" inquired Xena her tone softening with amazement. He realised that the most had smiled, but she maintained a serious look in the presence of Aragorn's calm gaze.

"Dorwinion is situated on the northwestern coasts of the Sea of Rhûn, bounded on three sides by the River Running. Dorwinion produces a heady wine that is potent enough to induce intoxication and sleep in even Elves. What is known is that many Elves have roamed or resided in the barren plains between the Iron Hills, the Greenwood, and the Inland Sea since the First Age. Among these is Elvenking's own concoction, which is the most potent elfish wine known. Only the Elvenking and a handful of the Elven Lords he sent as a gift have access to his wine." Aragorn said as he skipped beside Pippin, bending to talk with him. "Now, Pippin, how did you learn of Mirkwood's wine?"

Pippin groaned, aware that telling the truth would land him in hot water. "Aeariel, an Elf maiden, invited Legolas to her chambers for a drink and a lengthy talk. Legolas seemed to be following out of duty, and I was intrigued by the Mirkwood wine. I attempted to enquire of Legolas, but he advised me to ask of you!"

"Aeariel, sister of Galadriel? How long ago did you see them, Pippin?" Aragorn questioned worriedly as he sprang to his feet.

"I don't recall, but it was a while ago," he said, attempting to recollect precisely when he crossed paths with them.

Aragorn did not hesitate to sprint in the direction the Hobbit had come before. Xena supported herself and followed him, perplexed as to why he would be concerned. "Are you concerned about Legolas?" she said. "Isn't he of an age to care for himself?"

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