XX: A day in advance

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Valley of Imladris, 3018 TA, October 26

They were riding for almost an hour now, Xena adapted to the way her body rose and fell as the stallion rode through the forest. She sniffed a blending of odours surrounding her from the smell of the rain against the trees and the familiar spice of autumn rain and mint. She suddenly blinked and opened her eyes widely 'mint,' she thought. When it hit her, that was the scent of the woodland elf. It amused her how strong his scent was regarding the rest of the elves that were following them.

Connected to the earth by hoof, indebted to the horse who carried him with loving care, the elf made his way through the path that Aragorn and Arwen took. He leaned over and whispered a few elfish words to the horse, and it stepped forward at a slow pace. He listened to the steady hooves, the gentle tail swishes, and the snorting of the air. Then he tapped his legs against the horse, and it suddenly snorted and stepped forward.

The six rode silently, appreciating the scenery and waterfalls of Imladris. The serenity, a spot of peace even among the noise of the water, had a force and brightness. Autumn's chill combined with the sounds of the river created a tranquil and stunning image. After many hours of continuous riding, they came to a halt and decided to continue on food, allowing the horses to rest.

The day was young; the party trekked south river Bruinen and through deep valley's land on turbulent waters. To their left, the ridge rose sharply. Legolas, who was walking first in line, noted, "We must hold this course." Legolas handed the map to Aragorn to note the route that they would follow.

"Where are we going? They didn't answer us that?" asked Pippin as he hopped down the ground next to Merry, he held aloft the lengthy list of things Sam had instructed them to get.

"A village next to river Bruinen they said," answered Merry "Be careful not to lose the list that Sam gave us."

"I was thinking to add a few more things that Sam forgot to include," Pippin continued and Merry agreed. It occurred to Merry and Pippin that they may want to add a few additional details that Sam had overlooked.

Xena hiked for a while last on the line behind Arwen with unseeing eyes as if visiting in a distant memory or listening to sounds she had forgotten for a time. The days she spent in Imladris had her already tasted a different world from the one she lived in. She was surprised with herself, but not relieved.

Legolas looked upon his shoulders as the group was followed behind him. They would not hurry unnecessarily; they were nonetheless nimble and deft in their movements. He focused more on the road ahead in case something would alert them.

"Let's add mushrooms!" Pippin suggested "Rivendell does not have the ones we use in the Shire"

Merry nodded "And What about my taters?"

"No, Merry I have seen a lot of potatoes in the kitchen." Pippin ensured him.

Arwen and Aragorn would look at each other and smile while listening to the hobbits. They seemed so far away from all the darkness that was rising living into the moment of their mission. They were chosen for the supplies of the main quest and that was the only thing that was bothering them at the time.

"We must move on." Aragorn called to them, "We will reach the village by nightfall if we move with haste."

"There is something different about her." A voice drew Aragorn's attention from the road; Arwen was standing next to him "I cannot name it, but she is a strange maiden."

Aragorn studied her, catching her eye as she turned to smile at something Pippin had said, "Aye," he replied, his voice low in case she could hear them "She's seen things, experienced things that none of us has."

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