XLVI: Plotting in the Dark

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Caras Galadhon, 3019 TA, February 13

His silver-blonde hair was every hue from the white-spun sun to silver-grey, all married into long flowing locks. It has been the longest day he had left his hair to unbraid, freely breezing against the gentle breeze. The golden leaves were echoing with the golden light of the soul and into eternity. He had fallen into the void, into a peaceful void that only the forest of Lothlórien. How could this world be without forests, and rivers, without the calmness that nature offered freely? The elf imagined this world destroyed, and that was to leave his soul without breath.

He was most awake, most present at the moment, and every sense of nature converges into a single motion of what would come. He kept walking between the Mallorn trees his face looking ageless, but there was wisdom in his eyes that could not balance the ageless face. During the time spent in the forest of Lothlórien, it was as if there was a feeling passing between each living thing, a bond that was tangible and blended, a melody beyond the range of ears but available for the heart. And so, as each golden leaf moved in the wind, a part of him did also. It was the togetherness of what was separate, the glue in the universe.

There was a softness to his appearance, a kind of warmth she had not noticed before. Perhaps, because it was the first time she was observing the annoying elf from a far distance. She sitting a high up chamber that was offered to her and him following unknown paths between the golden trees. Xena had spent most of the evening there, finding a rare connection between the forest. She was unaware of how long she was there simply taking the view and smells of the forest and for the first time since she was in this forsaken world that she needed a moment of silence a moment to spend along with the forest.

It was like the light and peace that it was emitting could reach the deepest parts of her soul and heal it. It was a unique feeling that the human had never felt, and she could not explain what was happening. Maybe the side effect of the Mirkwood wine was still upsetting her. It was just a side effect of the hangover that she experience nothing else. It was the only explanation she could offer to her troubled self. In a simple way when the sun brightened the forest of Lothlórien all the darkness would fade away. How had she not noticed the days before?

It wasn't long until everyone went into a deep slumber simultaneously. Soon, neither noise nor dreams interrupted their sleep. The fellowship slept on the sofas, Legolas slept under a Mallon tree, and Xena slept in the chamber that was provided to her. When they awoke, the lawn in front of the pavilion was bathed in sunlight, and the fountain shimmered in the sun as it rose and fell.

They stayed in Lothlórien for many days, as best as they could tell or recall. The sun shined brightly the whole time they were there, with the exception of a little rain that sometimes dropped and evaporated, leaving everything fresh and clean. The air was mild and gentle as if it were early spring, yet they sensed the profound and reflective stillness of winter. It seemed to them that all they did was eat, drink, relax, and roam among the trees.

Haldir had bid them farewell and returned to the Northern walls, where the great watch was now kept since the tidings of Moria that the Company had brought. Legolas, Gimli and Xena spend time with the Galadhrim, trying to narrate the dwarf and the human through the history of the Elves of mixed descent (Sindar, Silvan, and Ñoldor) living in the forest of the Lothlórien. It caused many conflicts between the three but in the end, they allowed him to have his way. The annoying elf could be very stubborn at times.

Aragorn and Boromir spent their time discussing the white city and debating the best course of action. Beyond Lothlórien, Aragorn had no idea which path to choose. Boromir desired the route along Minas Tirith. And their discussion lasts for quite some time. Until that one night when the Fellowship was called to Celeborn and Galadriel's chamber, where they were welcomed with kind words by the Lord and Lady.

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