LXXXI: The Merciful Correspondence

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Lothlórien, 3019 TA, April 13th

When they reached the outskirts of Lothlorien, the sun was low in the west, and despite the fact that it was spring, the woodland was warm and humid. As he entered the Lothlórien forest with its fresh green leaves, the golden floor of the wood and its silver pillars, as the bark of the trees was smooth and grey, Legolas felt some relief. Grief and sadness were near to his heart and were somehow supported by someone or something other than himself. It was a devastating blow to him; he had known about his mother's death for virtually his whole life. But learning about the orc who killed her brought back forgotten emotions, though not memories.

The fact that he felt remorse for not exacting vengeance and that he had to flee like a weak creature did not alleviate his grief. The sight of losing the human terrified Legolas to the point that he seemed to have lost control of himself. He was unable to maintain his equilibrium, much alone keep track of time. He barely managed to maintain his balance on Arod. The elf was weakened by the side wound, the blood, and the mental devastation.

A little portion of Legolas was now peaceful as they rode through the mallorn trees, and he yearned to climb into their branches. He had taken entire responsibility for locating his mother's murderer and bore this weight in silence. The prospect of reality was intolerable, so he chose to ignore the situation. After he had recovered and slept, he would plot his next move.

And he did not abandon that he was obligated to ride to Imladris and accompany Arwen to Minas Tirith. Even in that time, Legolas did not forget what he had promised Aragorn. Obviously, he would make himself available to his trusty friend. Bring Arwen to him and be with him on the day he is anointed, King. Elessar would always have his support and confidence, and after Aragorn's coronation, he would focus on his own concerns. Uagz was one of them.

It was the foolishness of her heart, a bothersome of the mind, and he had become an unknowing riddle to her. Since she had opened her eyes and found herself riding on Argo her heart and mind were not at ease. Nor the golden forest of Lothlorien, not the truth that both were saved by Elladan and Elrohir had won her attention. She was focused on Legolas or better she was drawn in confusion from her own responses.

The elf was confronting a very distressing personal situation, they barely averted death, they were riding to Lothlorien, and her mind was wandering again and again to the moment when Legolas even in his darkest state decided to defend her. No, it was not that she required protection, or that his deed alone mattered. Thankfully the human understood how to take care of herself, she was a fighter, and if death would come to her she would embrace it.

Xena was lamenting for so many months about this terrible world. For being alive and not dead. And many more things she could not recall at the time. However, those days they spent beneath and seeing the elf in a time of death, choosing life over his pain and fate. He needed to keep her alive. Xena was bewildered now, the urge of understanding more about Legolas raised.

She could not identify what was wrong with her, or better she did not want to accept but she had found out when the ruins covered them both and their end was approaching. She did not want to recall how quickly her heart was racing and how scared she was about the obnoxious elf. And truth be told, she was still concerned. Because she understood that his anguish and ambitions for retribution were not forgotten.

How on earth did she end up not knowing what she would do next, to have already worked out what she would do. She would follow his sorry ass, and make sure that while attempting to catch Uagz he would not end up to his own demise. She felt grateful to be alive and had no desire to die. And this terrified her. She was gradually coming to life, developing future desires, wants, and even aspirations.

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