LVI: The Battle of the Hornburg

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Helm's Deep, 3019 TA, March 4

It was nearly midnight now. The darkness grew like a black angel with wings awaiting the onset of mayhem. The sky was absolutely gloomy, and the heavy air's stillness foretold a storm. An instantaneous blinding flare scorched the skies. Branched lightning struck the hills to the east. For a time, the observers on the walls saw the whole area between them and the Dike illuminated with white light; it was teeming with black figures, some short and wide, others towering and menacing, with lofty helmets and sable shields. Hundreds upon hundreds of other individuals poured over the Dike and into the gap. From cliff to cliff, the black wave surged up the walls. There was thunder in the valley.

Doom! Doom! Clang!

A source of anxiety plagued their thinking, disrupting their calm. Men and elves were already in place, observing the broad area in front of the stronghold. The army of Saruman has been strengthened and would move at a leisurely speed on foot, revealing each second. Long before they saw the boots, they heard them. In both distance and time, they drew closer to Helm's Deep as they screamed out loudly and fiercely. The persistent, deep, resonant sound of the Uruk-Hai caused the Rohirrim to become progressively melancholy.

Doom! Doom! Doom!

Gimli and Legolas were in an upright position of their feet at the fortress. Next to them stood the human. Gimli was deeply troubled as he was lacking the skill to perceive with his eyes over the wall. Legolas remained firmly on the right side of the dwarf, veering against his bow. Half of the time he would observe the army lining along, and the other half he would stare at Xena; who was standing on the left side of Gimli. The elf, aware of the dangers that this war was held, tormented himself with the girl's foolishness. The foolishness to share a part in this war.

Doom! Doom! Clang!

The foretaste of nervous energy tingled through Xena like electrical sparks on the way to the ground, gathering in her toes. The roar waves of the Wizards' army before she became the roar of her wrath-in desire to fight. The Ellon's bow, that was gifted to her, was placed in her right hand. She was right-handed; though her left hand was equally dominant. She wore braces on her forearm, which was holding the bow. An arrow resting inside the other. The large quiver that was gifted to her by the Lady of Light was resting against her back. It would fit 25 arrows.

Her old leather armour was cleaned and fixed, and nothing would reveal all damage it went through. The blade Agaraic [Bloodsword] was resting against her back and the double Chakram on her side waiting to slay the enemy. Her hair was styled in those strange locks that the elf had braided for her, and she somehow managed to copy. Xena grew up for a simple purpose, to fight and battle. That's what she did best. In this hour, as the war was upon them, how could she hesitate to act. For not allowing Evil to win! And more of all, not to forsake utterly her friends. She stood there. This time she was not showing a lack of fear. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger while watching the numbers of Uruk-Hai. Yet, not for herself, but for the people she held dear.

Doom! Doom! Doom!

Estel, with his courageous endurance on the battlefield. He cast a glorious blend of gender nature, courage, daring, and loyal. A true King that had not yet, admitted his abilities with his competent excellence in performance in all aspects. The elf, who dared to stand proud and shine, at a time like this. The dwarf, with his plain and rustic silliness. He held a pure and benevolent nature in his heart, and the capacity to dint his axe like no other.

As for the Mithrandir, the leader, the soul and heart of that fellowship, he was the last hope who should return with help. The hobbits were the most peaceful and serene beings of middle-Earth. The elves and humans, who crossed her path until now. All those, who accidentally (or maybe not) sparkled a thin trace of truthfulness in her soul. She would answer today, next to them.

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