XLVIII: The Breaking of the Fellowship

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This is ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

The western side of Amon He, 3019 TA, February 26

Aragorn led them to the river on the western side of Amon Hen, in the shade of Tol Brandir, a green grass descended to the river from his feet. Behind it rose the first mild slopes of the forested hill, and trees extended westward along the lake's curved shoreline. A little spring fell to the ground and nourished the grass. "Here we will rest tonight," said Aragorn. "This is the lawn of Parth Galen: a fair place in the summer days of old. Let us hope that no evil has yet come here."

Legolas stood still at the edge of the riverbank, staring north and west into the dusk. The wind was shifting and ragged clouds were dissipating; the night was chilly. In contrast to the cold, though, the elf sensed a weird blackness coming. Despite the fact that he had warned, the ranger had them rest nonetheless. He cast a glance at the human, whose face mirrored his own concerns, and his eyes caught hers for a short moment before he had once again turned to face the north.

"I feel danger close by," said Xena glancing over to the ranger "Something isn't right!" Nothing had happened the days before as they were sailing through the great river, but tonight she could not bring herself to rest. In addition to herself, the elf was also disturbed. This gave her another reason to be frightened. "Keep your weapons near tonight at all costs!"

Suddenly Merry saught his sword and found that someone was missing, Where's Frodo?" he asked loudly and stood up. He was sure that Frodo was sitting next to Sam and it was only a short while since he had seen him.

"Boromir?" Pippin asked next, "Where is Boromir?"

How had both left without anyone to notice, especially the elf? The remaining had sprung on their feet and rushed out of the camp in search of both of them. The forest was unfamiliar to them, but they kept walking their way through the branches and bushed the lower levels.

The forest silenced the clocks, for this place of root and branch was the dominion of the forest. Frodo wandered into that forest keeping away from the remaining Fellowship. He had spotted lately how Boromir was eyeing him. There was a change in the wind, some darkness surrounding Boromir. He had decided to walk away and he was debating if he should continue his journey on his own.

Boromir stood silent a few steps away. The wind murmured in the branches of the trees. Frodo shivered. Suddenly Boromir came beside him. "Are you sure that you do not suffer needlessly? I want to help you?" Boromir said.

"I think, I know already what counsel you would give, Boromir!" Frodo answered and took one step away from him.

"We shall fall in battle valiantly." Boromir told him with his eyes resting against Frodo's chest where the ring was, "Yet there is still hope that they will not fail."

"No hope while the Ring lasts!" said Frodo. His fears were starting to take shape in front of him, as Boromir was acting strangely.

Boromir's eyes lightened "Indeed, The Ring! Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing! I ask only for the strength to defend my people! If you would but lend me the Ring!"

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