XXXIII: The Ring goes South

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Eregion - Hollin, 3019 TA, January 8

It was a cold grey day near the beginning of January. The East Winds howled through the sparse branches of the trees and raged among the black pines on the hills. The winter wind blew through the trees and the branches with a powerful passion, scattering leaves of fall as if they were its chaotic drum beat. The clouds were the type of grey that any quarry rock would be proud of as if they were delighted to echo the ground. Condensation was certain to occur sooner rather than later with all the grey and whirling water in the sky. As the cheerless shadows of early twilight started to fall, the Company travelled south of Rivendell on unstable waterways across the country of Deep Valley. To their left, the misty mountains rose sharply.

Aragorn was dressed in high leather boots and a dark-green cloak, with his sword to his left. Legolas was equipped with a bow and quiver, as well as two long white blades concealed behind his back. Gimli the dwarf was the only one who wore a short steel-ringed shirt openly, since dwarves like light burdens; and he had a broad-bladed axe in his belt. Xena got to wear leather and metal upper-body armour, a coat, her sword on her back, and her Chakram on her belt. The younger hobbits donned the swords they had retrieved from the barrow, but Frodo retained just Sting, and his mail-coat remained concealed, as Bilbo desired. Gandalf carried his staff, but at his side was the elven sword Glamdring, Orcrist's mate, who lay now on Thorin's breast under the Lonely Mountain.

Elrond had provided them with thick, warm clothing, as well as fur-lined coats and cloaks. Spare food, clothing, blankets, and other necessities were slung over the back of a pony, none other than the unfortunate beast they'd taken from Bree. Bill the pony was now a member of the Fellowship and was aiding them along the way by caring for all the gear and goods.

Sam spent most of his time around the pony, worrying about taking the poor creature on such a dangerous mission. He was talking to his close friend as his desire for adventure was at its lowest. "Bill," he said, "you oughtn't to have taken up with us. You could have stayed in Imladris and et the best hay till the new grass comes." The pony was swishing his tail and simply gazing at Sam.

Sam slung the bag over his shoulders and mentally ran through all the items he'd stashed within, checking to see if he'd missed anything: his major prize, his cooking utensils, and the little box of salt. He always believed that adding seasoning to the meals that he prepared made the food taste better. And salt was the basis of the seasoning he always was carrying with him.

He went on like that trying to think if he had forgotten anything that could be important, and he remembered. He forgot to take the rope. 'And only last night you said to yourself: Sam, what about a bit of rope? You'll want it if you haven't got it. Well, I'll want it. I can't get it now.' he thought a sighed. But even today after they were parting from Rivendell he forgot about it as he was listening to Elrond calling the company and speaking his last words.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On him alone is any charge laid: neither to cast away the Ring, nor to deliver it to any servant of the Enemy nor indeed to let any handle it, save members of the Company and the Council, and only then in gravest need. The others go with him as free companions, to help him on his way. You may tarry, or come back, or turn aside into other paths, as chance allows. The further you go, the less easy will it be to withdraw; yet no oath or bond is laid on you to go further than you will. For you do not yet know the strength of your hearts, and you cannot foresee what each may meet upon the road."

And it seemed as if Elrond's last remarks stayed with everyone as they weighed his words along the journey. To their left now rose three peaks; the largest and closest stood crowned with snow; its enormous, barren northern precipice remained mostly in darkness, but burned crimson where the sunshine slanted upon it. The company rested their eyes along the way as the grey wizard informed them.

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