LXXV: The Path Taken

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Cair Andros, 3019 TA, April 2

On the evening of their departure, the sky was dusk-grey and a mild spring wind greeted them as they embarked on their new journey. The horses were ready and waiting at the city's main entrance. The citizens of Gondor had already begun clearing the streets of rocks and dead bodies. Few of them were smiling, and others were singing ancient White City lullabies. The war had ceased, but the ugliness it left behind continued to exist. Their spirits were still burdened by the gloom they had endured; death still loomed over them. However, everyone was attempting to adjust to the fact that the Dark Lord was no longer there and that hope had returned.

"You are late," Legolas replied while staring momentarily at her and leaping on his horse in a coordinated and fluid manner. "We should have left Minas Tirith this morning!"

Xena frowned at him as she secured her weapons on Argo, observing him as he mounted his horse and saw that he was wearing the green and brown attire he normally wore when traveling. She felt envious of the elf who could wear his regular comfy gear. In her instance, the gown she wore was lovely, yet it was suffocating, heavy, and uncomfortable.

Legolas questioned, "Is something the matter," as he saw her struggle to mount her horse while muttering under her breath. He was able to conceal a smile behind his hand, turned his horse, and waited for her to follow. "You do not like your gown?"

Xena drew her horse up next to him and paused to take in the view of the path they would travel "Nope. It is a gorgeous gown, but it is difficult to travel in it." She commented as she attempted to arrange the gown's long skirt against the settle.

"Aren't you the one who possesses the many skills?" Legolas said, flashed her one of his recently mischievous grins, and Xena trotted Argo next to Arod. Argo galloped as Xena noticed him riding away, and Arod ran as they were hunted by orcs.

She urged Argo to run faster, and both of the horses started to race dangerously fast. Xena followed Legolas right on his tail without stopping, having Legolas put more effort to keep a great distance from her. However, the elf was impressed by her riding skills, not many could match his ability to ride, but for Xena, it came naturally.

They continued the race for as long as the horses could keep up, it was the elf who finished the match when he noticed that Arod was getting tired, and Xena followed. Legolas dismounted his horse and allowed it some time to rest, and Xena did the same for hers. And they both found a small opening and skipped next to an old blossom tree.

Legolas did not wait, and leaped up the tree flawless, landed against the highest branch, and sat down, taking a deep breath. He had forgotten how long it was that it has been since he was offered such a luxury, to have a moment of peace close to nature. Lately, all the darkness and battles, the death and blood, and the longing of the sea made the woodland elf dry. For a moment it felt like home.

It did not take long for Xena to flip, spin, and land next to him. She gazed up at him annoyed and angry, ready to take an act of small revenge for all the games that Legolas played with her. However, she ended up staring at him speechless. Legolas's demeanor had changed to something she did not see him often have. His face relaxed and lost the cold and pridefulness, there was so much pureness and peace at that moment that it relaxed even Xena.

She stopped gazing at him in awe with mouth agape and sat down next to him. They both turned and gazed at the sky that was slowly darkening, as night was rising and claiming its domain. Soon the star shined brighter and the pair remained there for a long time observing the night sky. They did not talk, they sat in silence, and it felt right. Legolas spoke later on and asked the human If she would feel comfortable continuing their journey during the night time, and she agreed.

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