XV: Many meetings - Friends of new

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~ XV: Many meetings ~

~ Part II: Friends of new~

Imladris, 3018 TA, October 24

The human had stepped out of Legolas' bed-chamber into the hallways that same morning, after dawn, with a hazy light pouring into the valley of Imladris. With everything that had happened lately, she was more aware of her new life than her old one. She remembered Gabrielle most of the time and hoped she was doing alright. It was due to Gabrielle knowing she was dead and continuing with her own life.

Xena knew that her trusted friend would miss her as well. But she would never want her to come to this forsaken world. And go through all this darkness that this world was facing. In a confusing way, Xena was already in peace when it come to Gabrielle. It was like she knew that she was safe and well. Xena understood that Gabrielle would face problems and her life would have bad moments. But she knew Gabrielle, and she would find her way. 

Her gaze was drawn to the majestic beauty of the valley as she wandered through the halls, hungry and chilly. Her tummy grumbled wanting some meal now that she knew the woodland elf was alive. She just needed a glass of nice red wine and some steak. There was a variety of greens, bread, cheese, and milk supplied. Why didn't they provide any meat?

'By the gods, she could not eat more green!'

On the main halls would travellers be found, most often dwarves and humans, hurrying along on business to get ready for tomorrow's council. It seemed that they had no words to spare for strangers. And Xena was ignored as everyone was busy with their devices. Down in the lowest parts and most sheltered corner of the balcony she approached observing the fire that was lit and a group of children preparing a meal.

"I don't understand how food could be formed of green," Pippin said "We were served breakfast, which was hardly a feast, but we ate more than we could, if not more. And Merry, I'm still hungry."

"There's the food we preserved," Merry said, "and I've collected berries, roots, and herbs from the kitchen that will improve the flavour of our meal."

"It's going to be a fine day," Pippin said, adding, "Have you told Sam to come and see us out here?"

"No, he's still with Frodo," Merry said, "and I don't think Sam is in the spirit to cook for us. He's concerned about Frodo and Sam has hardly left his side"

As Merry approached, Pippin was adding more wood to the fire "He is, indeed, that he is." said Pippin "Then we should hurry and grill the steaks; perhaps the flavour will attract Sam and Frodo."

It attracted neither Frodo nor Sam, but the cooked meat caught the human's attention. Xena watched the children while they chatted and prepared the fire for a brief period. After her eyes adjusted and she got a closer look, she saw that the two friends named Pippin and Merry were not children. They resembled humans, with short stature and hairy feet, and seemed to be young adults. Those were not children, but rather a different species she had never seen before.

"Merry who is that?" Pippin paused what he was doing and pointed at the tall woman that was staring at them "I think she is looking at us for some time now."

"She could be an elf maiden," Merry turned and looked at Pippin worried "It's the fire... are we allowed to lit a fire?"

Pippin saw that Xena was now staring at him as if she had heard or deduced all that had been spoken. She nodded and motioned to them not to worry with a sweep of her hand. She then walked over to see them. Both hobbits were able to view Xena as she approached. She seemed to be a gorgeous maiden, but she was wearing armour and her physique was different from the elf maidens they had previously seen.

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