i decided to stop...

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Hi... As you can see, this is not a new chapter. Saya baru sedar last time saya update bab was on 5th November last year.

How are you guys? Dah tahun 2022 guys, rasa macam baru semalam saya decide untuk publish balik buku ni. Huhu...

First of all, I am sorry. Saya minta maaf sangat-sangat. Saya tak boleh teruskan menulis for the time being. I have my personal reason. Saya dah announced bulan Disember haritu tapi saya rasa saya perlu inform dekat kau orang semua sebab saya tau not all of you yang follow saya. It's okay.

I am really at my lowest right now. I couldn't concentrate on my studies. I'm having a hard time get out of my bed. Everyday I am at lowest energy. Tapi sebab saya tak rasa I will get permission to tangguh my studies lagi-lagi sebab lebih kurang sebulan je tinggal. Hmm untuk orang lain bolehlah cakap lagi dua bulan je nak habis diploma tapi tulah, orang tu tak tau betapa sukarnya saya nak lalui walau hanya satu hari.

Anyway, ytjt :) yang hadap je yang tau how I feel right now.

I am sorry again, saya tak rasa saya boleh continue tulis. I have been push myself to write for a year (2021), and for the past 6 months, saya memang susah nak menulis. It was really hard for me and my mind is really messed up. Saya bukan tak cuba, I have tried but I couldn't write that long enough.

Sebab itu, I decided to stop temporarily until I am really fine. Sebenarnya saya dah cakap banyak dekat notes that saying I need a break on Feb last year. But this time it's going to be a long break. Saya tak tahu berapa lama. It could be months or maybe a year atau lebih dari itu. Jadi, saya tak nak bagi harapan palsu. Saya tak nak cakap bila mungkin saya akan kembali update. Well, saya pun tak boleh predict how long this is going to take. Kalau kau orang penat tunggu, it's okay you can leave. Bukan salah kau orang. If you want to put blame on me, do as you wish.

Tapi tolong, tolong jangan copy any part of this story and make it your own. I will come back one day as long as Allah bagi peluang untuk hidup, but not when I feel vulnerable like this. Walaupun saya tahu it's hard but I will try not to destroy my childhood dream. Saya tak nak sia-siakan usaha saya dalam menulis cerita.

Thank you for everyone who are willing to stay until this day. Thank you for everyone yang discover this book dan bagi peluang untuk buku ini dibaca. Again, saya minta maaf for being like this.

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