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I tapped into the app on my phone to open the tall, steal gates which were ahead of me so I could enter my home.  The gates opened after I typed the code and I slowly drove up onto the estate.  From the gates to my home it was a 1 minute drive most, depending on how slow you went of course.  I mean I could have asked my driver to take me but I like being independent and leaving this area now and then to see the outside world and to bounce back into reality now and then.  I honked my horn at the gardener who had a leaf blower in his hand, he waved back and I stopped the car to roll down the window.

"Hey Tyla nice to see you're back home" Paul smiled.  I smiled back.

"Just went to grab a few groceries that's all" I say while waving him goodbye and drove off again. 

I park the car in the garage that held my other cars.  I had two garages on the estate.  One to store my casual cars where I go to run errands or whatever and the other stores the more fancier cars for special occasions, we will explore them soon. 

I swiped my foot under the car so it opens up the back so I can take my bags of groceries out, I held them in my hands and swiped my foot again for it to close.  I enter my home by using the door that leads from my garage.  I walk into my kitchen and I am greeted with my two Pomeranian dogs, Beau who is male and Bonnie who is female, they're siblings which I rescued from a shelter roughly 3 years ago.  I start placing my groceries in the places they belong in and set down food for my babies, yes my dogs are my babies, okay?  okay. 

I walk into my quite spacious back yard and sit on a lounge chair by the pool, enjoying my own company with a glass of orange juice in the one hand and my phone in the other, scrolling through my socials.  The sun is beaming down quite heavily and I'm starting to burn so I grab the parasol and pop it up and stand it over me because if you know me, you know I'm quite lazy to get up and grab sun screen.  I place my phone down by the side of me and close my eyes for a little until I'm interrupted with my dogs fighting over a toy and my phone ringing.  Ugh, what does people want now I thought putting the phone to my ear.  I didn't look who it was.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey you, how's my sis doing?" Cate replied on the other side of the phone.  I loved Cate she really treated me like her little sister and always curious what I was doing with my life. She knew a lot about me, my whole life story pretty much and vice versa. 

"Oh hi!  I'm good, how are you idiot?" I joked.

"I'm good thank you dummy.  I know this may seem short notice and a little far fetched, but me and the girls are done with shooting oceans 8 now..-"

"Oh my god, that's amazing!  Congratulations!" I squealed as I know she couldn't wait for it to be over and done with.

"Yes thank you sweet, but I was wondering if me and a few members of the cast could maybe stay with you for a few weeks?  I know it's a lot to ask but you know how much I love your place and how much I love you.  You'd be doing us a favour really and we will do everythi-"

"Jeez Cate calm down will you!" I giggled at how she was rambling on trying to persuade me but she could have just asked straight up and I would have still said yes, I hate to admit but I do get lonely sometimes. 

"Of course you can come and stay" I happily replied with a huge smile on my face.

YAAAAAAAY" I heard a bunch of women scream down the phone.  I chucked and the cheers died down.

"Cate... am I on loud speaker?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"Yes you are, sorry hun" she chuckled. 

"It's okay.  So when do you want to come so I can send Andrew over in the private jet?" I asked innocently and I heard a few of the women gasp.  I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes.

"Yes girls you heard right!  She's a zillionaire!" Cate shouted.  Bit over the top there Cate.

"Cate!! Shush that's our secret!" I giggled and so did she and whoever else was on the end of the phone. 

"Maybe tomorrow night? If that's okay by you?" Cate asked sheepishly.

"Of course I'll ring Andrew and set it all up" I respond.

"Great!  I cant wait to see you, it's been a minute girl.  I'll love you and leave you but I will seen you soon sweet Angel.  You're the best! Mwah mwah mwah!" Cate. I didn't even get chance to say goodbye and she already hung up the phone.

I headed inside and made the call and Andrew was more than happy to be at service.  I knew a little about the girls as what Cate has told me about them over the years that she has known the legends Sandy and Sarah, and months on Anne, Rihanna, Mindy and Awkwafina.  The other girls aren't coming, I'm presuming they're busy?  I made sure to mention to Andrew to make the flight as quick but smooth going as possible because of course, Sarah hates flying.  "Yes Ma'am, I'll try my best", I thanked him and then rang the house cleaners to come and sort out the house, it wasn't messy but I just mainly wanted everything tidied up and the guest bedrooms to be made.  My home included, 9 bedrooms, all very spacious with their own bathrooms, 4 main bathrooms all with separate baths and showers and the rest we will show later while I give everyone a house tour as they will get very lost in this place. 

It was currently 3:42pm and I was heading out of my dance studio where I was doing some meditation, it helps calms me down and makes me feel cleansed in a way.  I headed back into the house and decided to cook myself some pasta with garlic bread.  I got everything out I needed and starting putting the recipe together.  It wasn't long before it was all completed and I plated it up in a bowl and started to eat.  I scrolled through my Instagram and seen that Sarah Paulson has started following me in Instagram.  Hm I thought.  I clicked on her followers and didn't see that her girlfriend, Holland Taylor followed her and she didn't follow her back?  And the photos of them both have been deleted.  Damn I thought.  Secretly I was thankful?  I've always had a huge crush on her and Cate knows it, wether she's mentioned it to her I don't know but I hope not, that would be embarrassing on my behalf. 

I poured myself a cup of black coffee and made my way to my living room area and turned on the huge TV in front of me.  I finished up watching a few episodes of American Horror Story of course and made my way up to bed as it was surprisingly 11pm and I had a lot to do work wise before everyone came over.  I slipped on a pair of silk pjs and hopped under my very heavy duvet covers, I tossed the pillows to the bottom of the bed and soon enough fell asleep.

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