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Tyla's POV:

I was scared to say the least, what if these people have somehow got into my house and took everything? What if they've harmed my fur babies? All these thoughts clouded my brain but I had to stay strong for Sarah.

I pulled up outside the house, leaving my car at front for now and quietly got out, making my way around to Sarah's side and opening the door for her. She climbed out and stayed close to me. I could feel the nervousness radiating off of her so I took her hand in mine.

"Everything going to be okay, I promise you" I kissed her forehead and she smiled trying to hide the nerves.

I walked over to Quinton with Sarah by my side.

I checked my phone and clicked on every security camera to see if they was still here, nothing.

Until I saw a glimpse of them around the back of my house trying to get in. I showed Quinton and he told everyone what to do, which was a few to go one side around the building and a few to go the other and meet at the back, this way we would trap them both and reveal who these scumbags were.

Everyone grabbed their guns and made their way around to the back, Sarah and I went with Quinton, Blake and Franks lot, standing behind Blake and Frank.

As we got to the back there they both were, still attempting to break in. Blake warned the others they all held their guns up, aiming them in front of them.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND DONT MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT YOU" Blake demanded and the two dropped their weapons and whatever they was trying to break in with. They tried to make a run for it but the gang quickly formed a circle around them so they were trapped.

Everyone in the gang was pretty much buff so the two was intimidated.

I walked closer with Sarah and left her with Penelope and Sally who tagged along in their black leather cat suits.  These women make me laugh in the best way possible. 

I walked towards the two in the middle and pulled out my gun which was tucked in the strap under my shorts.  I'm so glad I always bring it with me.

I pointed the gun back and forth and them both.

"Get down on the floor.  NOW!" I shouted and they obeyed, both kneeling with their hands still in the air and looking down at the floor.

I looked over at Blake at and nodded in my direction.  He came over to me. 

At the same time we revealed who these two scums were.

"So you came back for me huh?" I asked them both and they didn't speak a word. 

"ANSWER HER!" Blake screamed at them.

"Y-yes" the one spoke.

"Well well well, that was a bad idea wasn't it" I tutted. 

"So after all this time you was hiding from us all you decide to now show yourselves" Blake spat at them.

Blake stood one up and placed his gun at the ones head. 

"We want answers to speak!" He yelled again.

"Where is Tyla's Mother and Father?" Blake furiously asked.

"D-dead" the one on the floor whimpered out. 

Now it was confirmed my parents had been killed I was more angry than ever.  Tears were threatening to come out but I held them back as much as I could.

"Well I guess it's your turn to die" I grabbed the other one up and placed the gun at his head.

I looked back and seen Penelope and Sally taking Sarah away from what was about to happen.  Sarah had tears in her eyes but she nodded at me say 'go ahead and do what you gotta do'.  I smiled at her and looked back at the filth that was standing in front of me. 

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