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sorry it's been so long since I've updated this book!  I do apologise guys<3
- G x

Sarah's POV:

The weeks went by pretty quick until it was time for the Emmy's.  I was excited to say the least.  I was excited for Tyla to be by my side the whole night.  Even if I didn't win I knew she would support me no matter what.  Getting nominated is enough of a reward for me, but winning is even better. 

It was a day before the Emmy's and it was around 2pm. 

Tyla was in our room, trying on her suit for tomorrow one last time.  I tried my dress earlier in the week and it fitted like a glove, I was more than happy with it. 

Our makeup and hair team was already sorted for tomorrow and now it was just the wait until the big day.

I was sat in our dining room.  I was on Instagram live, speaking with fans that's joined.  I loved going live on Instagram, I needed to do it more often.

I was reading the comments and replying back.

"Do you enjoy living with Tyla?"  I read out.

"Of course.  I love doing life with her.  She's the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm more than happy to be living with her."  I smiled and I could see people sending hearts and the '🥺' emoji. 

"I hope you win tomorrow!!!  I love you SARAH❤️❤️"

"I hope I win too, but even being nominated is more than enough for me." 

"AHS has gone down hill." 

"Not my problem." 

I was still chatting to fans until Tyla came down and walked in.

"Hey babe, I'm starving.  Wanna order pizza?"  She asked me and I smiled and replied with a yes.

"What you even doing anyways?"  Tyla asked me.

"I'm on Instagram live."  I replied with a chuckle.

"Oh.  I didn't even know.  You could have given me a heads up love."  She came closer and bopped her head in front of the camera.  She then continued to sit on my lap, blocking me from the lens.

"Hey guys, I'm actually Sarah Paulson- Baldwin.  I love my wife so much she's the best ever and so kind and full of talent and ugh I just love her."  I laughed hard behind Tyla and tickled her sides.  She soon enough jolted and laughed up and got off of me and sat beside me, her legs over mine and I caressed her thighs.

Tyla's POV:

People in the comments were laughing at my impression.

"You know I already said what you did earlier to them.  Someone asked what it was like living with you."  She smiled at me and I smiled wide back and leaned in and kissed her nose.

Someone in the comments mentioned me.

"Tyla you and Sarah are a power couple and so cute!!  I also bought a dress from doen!🤍🤍"

"I mean Sarah doesn't see us as a power couple but I do.  My ego is just too big."  I nudged Sarah and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"But thank you for ordering from the shop.  The shop is also half Sarah's as we are not only romantic partners but business partners.  She's the silent partner."  I glanced at her and she smiled wide.

We talked for a little while longer until I stood up and kissed Sarah on the forehand as both of our stomachs are rumbling and we needed food asap.

"Where you going?"  Sarah pouted.

"Ordering food before we both starve and become hangry."  I threw her a toothy smile and she nodded.

I walked into the living room to make the phone call and heard Sarah shout, "Can you also order drinks.  Thanks you're the best."  I smiled to myself and shouted back.  "Okay, and I know!"  I heard her chuckle and sat down to make the call.


I opened the door as the pizza was here and tipped the delivery guy.

I walked into the kitchen with the boxes and drinks and placed them on the kitchen island. 

I walked into the dining room.  "Baby, foods here.  Come and eat before you starve."  I smiled and she nodded.

"Okay guys I'm gonna love you and leave you but I will speak to you all again soon.  Byeeeeeeeeeeee."  I heard Sarah speak and she ended the live.

She walked into the kitchen.

"Did you get drinks?"  She looked over at me eating a slice of pizza and I pointed to the side of me and she smiled and took a sip of the bottled water.

We took our pizza to the living room and placed the blanket over us before eating again.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?"  My wife asked.

"Of course I am.  I'm more excited for you because I know you're going to win."  I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

I nudged her and she giggled.  She grabbed the TV remote and put Disney+ on and we watched the new episode of the Kardashians.

Once we were finished with our food I stood up and took our boxes to the trash.  I called Bonnie and Beau and they trotted behind me and followed me to the living room.  Their legs were too short to jump on the sofa so I picked them up and placed them between Sarah and I. 

Bonnie was attached to Sarah and Beau was attached to me.  It was cute because they climbed on our laps and slept.

Sarah and I talked for a while, the TV was on in the background.

"I'm going back to France soon this year as it's Paris fashion week."  Sarah explained.

"That will be fun, because..." I stopped myself and she cocked an eyebrow for me to carry on.

"I got invited to go to, I got the email earlier but I forgot to tell you until you just reminded me."  I stroked Beau and Sarah smiled.

"Wait- so we are both going?"  She asked enthused and I smiled wide and nodded. 

The older woman pulled me in for a hug and I could feel her smiling into my neck. 

We pulled away after a while and decided to go to bed as it was already 11pm.  We have been laughing and falling to hours.

We made our way upstairs and brought the dogs with us as they now have their own beds in our room.

They climbed into their baskets and Sarah and I got ready for bed.

I climbed in and Sarah scooted closer to me and I laid my head on her chest.  The TV was on in our room on a random channel. 

"Goodnight beautiful, I adore you so much."  I looked up at Sarah and was met with her lips.

"I love you".

We both fell asleep in each others embrace getting our beauty sleep for tomorrow. 

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