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Tyla and Sarah both went on set for the movie today, not knowing what to expect. Was Holland still going to show up after the incident? Has she left the movie? Tyla hoped to God she has. No one is allowed to touch her woman intimately accept herself. Tyla was still furious about what happened at what Holland did. Sarah feared Holland because of their past. 

Tyla's POV:

I parked the car in the parking lot and walked around the other side to open my loves door.

"Thank you baby" she kissed my cheek as she stepped out. 

I held Sarah's hand, it was a sense of security for her.  So she would feel more safe.  We walked into the studio and there was a scene being shot.  Damien and Kathryn were sat on their chairs, spectating the view in front of them. 

"Aaaand cut.  Great job guys that was perfect" Damien yelled and the two actors walked off set for some fresh air. 

"Hey guys!" Kathryn enthused as she walked over to Sarah and I.

"Hi" I hugged her as she held out both arms in front of her.

"Do you guys want a drink?  There's also food on the table over there" she pointed behind us.

"We're good.  We ate thanks.  But can I speak to you?" I asked and she looked confused but nodded. 

Kathryn, Sarah and myself headed up to her office.  She shut the door behind us and sat down behind her desk. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked looking between Sarah and I.

Sarah sat down while I stayed standing.  Sarah didn't want me to mention it but I had too, it was bugging me.

"Kathryn I'm sure you're well aware of Sarah and Hollands past relationship.  So why have you decided that it was a great idea for them to work together?" I asked.  Now staring at the woman in front of me.  Eyes glaring at her. I could feel my anger heightening.

She sat there for a moment, not saying anything.

"To be honest with you, it totally slipped my mind.  Is there bad blood between you both?" Kathryn asked Sarah. 

Before Sarah could speak I interrupted.

"Bad blood?  There is more than bad blood Kathryn.  Holland keeps trying to kiss my wife and harassing her.  If boundaries aren't put into place around here I will take actions into my own hands" I yelled. 

"Tyla please, let's-let's just leave it and go" Sarah stood up, not wanting the fuss but my blood was boiling and I'm pretty sure the women in front of me could see smoke coming from my ears and nostrils.  I was angry to say the least. 

"I had no idea about that and I'm sorry Sarah.  We want you on this movie more than any other actress or actor.  You are amazing at what you do and we don't want to risk losing you to this" Kathryn was right, she was amazing. 

"If it makes it any better I can speak to Damien about the situation and see if he can get someone else to play Hollands role" she stated and Sarah and I nodded. 

"You don't have any scenes with her today so we will make sure she stays out of your way and escort her if needed.  We can provide you with your own security team also".

"That would be great.  Thank you" Sarah smiled at the woman before us. 

"Thank you Kathryn, that means a lot to Sarah.  Well to both of us.  I apologise for yelling" I weakly smiled.  Now feeling bad for raising my voice. 

"No need to apologise, I can't imagine what it feels like.  Also congratulations on the marriage, that's huge and so wonderful!" She smiled wide.

Sarah and I both thanked her and we followed her out of her office.  We walked to Sarah's trailer and Kathryn walked to find Damien. 

We sat down on the sofa and I sighed in relief. 

"Im sorry if I made you feel uneasy up there love, but that woman boils my p¡ss" I half chuckled and she smiled.

"No you didn't.  I appreciate you a lot for that" Sarah was now resting her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her.

We sat in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company until I spoke.

"After you are done filming for this movie" Sarah hummed for me to carry on.

"Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?" I asked, now tracing over her delicate skin with my finger.

"Uh, I'm not sure.  Surprise me" Sarah smirked. 

"Well would you want to go back on the yacht and travel more?" I asked.

"As long as I get to spend my days with you, I couldn't care if we went to a shitty air b&b" she was serious.

I smiled widely. Just knowing that Sarah would spend time with me anywhere really meant a lot. It's rare to find a woman like herself, truly. She was so perfect through my eyes.

*knock knock*

Sarah and I jumped at the sudden pounding on the door. I got up and walked over to the trailer door and opened it.

"Oh, sorry this isn't Sarah Paulson" the young girl looked at me, she was a runner girl.

"Yes it is actually, I'm her wife" I smiled heartedly at the small brunette in front of me.

"Oh yes right! You're Tyla Baldwin" she seemed excited.

"Yes that's me" I chuckled.

"Is everything okay babe?" Sarah approached behind me.

"Uh yeah, you're needed" I turned and smiled.

"Sorry Miss Paulson. No- Mrs Baldwin- I mean Mrs Paulson- sorry I uh-" Sarah and I chuckled, the girl turned a bright shade of red.

"Mrs Baldwin- Paulson" Sarah corrected her, smiling at how the girl wanted to get it right.

The girl stood there, still embarrassed.

"It's okay hon, honestly" I reassured her and she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Hair and makeup is in 15" she smiled at Sarah and she thanked her.

I closed the door and followed Sar over to the sofa, both still chuckling.

"Miss Paulson" I scoffed. "Did she not see the ring on your finger" I smiled.

"Apparently not" Sarah joked. Popping a malteser into her mouth.

"Mrs Baldwin- Paulson has a nice ring to it" I winked and Sarah shoved me playfully.

"So does Tyla Paulson- Baldwin" the blonde now grinning across from me.

I stood up. "Well I should go now since you have to go and shoot, you'll do amazing like always because you're a pro and America loves you" Sarah rolled her eyes.

The older woman stood up and put her hands around my neck, mine automatically snaking her waist.

"I'll see you tonight love" I kissed Sarah passionately.

She pulled away. "I'll see you tonight, can Michael pick me instead of you coming back out?" Sarah asked.

"He could, but I want too. We can go for a casual dinner?" I proposed and she grinned widely.

"It's a date" she kissed me again. Interrupted by the door knocking.

I pulled away and opened the door.

"Hey, this is Sarah's security team, she will be under their protection every time she's on set and will not leave her side unless it's to come here- to the trailer or to shoot a scene. They will be on standby" Damien explained.

"Thank you so much" Sarah smiled.

"I'll see you later love" I waved my goodbyes and Sarah blew me a kiss, I pretended to catch it and she shook her head jokingly.

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