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Sarah's POV:

Tyla and I came back from the spa which lasted around 2 hours. This was the best part of our honeymoon yet, as well as spending all my time with the love of my life.

Tyla and I were heading back up to our room until a bunch of paparazzi flooded us and a few fans.

"Tyla! Sarah! Over here" is all we could both here.

I didn't fancy getting my photo taken right now as I was trying to enjoy my day. I didn't want my photo taken at all on this trip. I wanted to go unseen and unbothered. But that didn't really work out of course.

Tyla could see I was getting a little agitated and seen that my hands were shaken so she took one of my hands in hers and pulled me towards the elevator.

We both got in and I quickly pressed '13' that was on the elevator wall so we could go back to our room.

We both got out the elevator and Tyla swiped the keycard and we walked into our room.

"I hate that they have found us" Tyla sighs while her eyes shut.

"Me too baby. I don't feel comfortable here anymore" I replied and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her body as she sunk more into my embrace.

"Should we go?" Tyla asked, her head still laying on my chest.

"You've paid a lot of money to stay here".

"That doesn't matter my love. You don't feel comfortable and neither do I. I can get my money back for the nights we won't stay." She spoke up again.

"I mean is that what you want to do?" I asked her. Stroking her hair.

"Kind of. I don't want us feeling uncomfortable here. We could go some place else or travel back home and go on a yacht trip or go to the Maldives or anywhere. As long as I'm with you I don't care where we go" my wife spoke up.

"Me neither. I don't care where we end up but let's just get from here" I pulled back to look into her eyes and she smiled. I kissed her softly on her lips and our lips matched perfectly together. Like a puzzle piece.

We let go from each other and Tyla grabbed both of our suitcases. We started packing right away.

~~Time skip to 3 hours~~

Tyla's POV:

Sarah and I were both down packing and now we were at the desk in the reception on the ground floor.

"Hi how could I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked me.

"Hi, me and my Wife were meant to stay here for a few more nights but we no longer want to stay here as we both feel very uncomfortable" I half smile at her.

"I'm sorry about that, is there anything we could do for you?"

"Is it possible I could get the money back from the nights that we won't be spending here?" I asked.

"Of course, let me just see how much longer you were meant to stay here..." she trailed off while typing into the keyboard.


"Okay so it looks like you were meant to stay here for a week but have only been here for 2 days. Are you sure you'd like to go so soon?" She asked me.

"Yes please if that's okay."

"Of course, let me just grab the check book and write how much you are meant to get back. Shouldn't be a moment". She left the front desk to go out the back.

I turned to look at Sarah who was biting her nails so I grabbed her hands.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her. Now rubbing my thumbs across her knuckles.

"Yeah I'm okay, there's just still a lot of paparazzi to our left and fans" she kept looking at me.

I glanced to where she said and seen cameras flashing through the windows outside of the hotel.

"I already asked Michael to pick us up. He drove here so he should be where actually right around now".

My phone beeped and to my surprise it was him.

"Speak of the devil" I muttered with a chuckle.

Hey girl, there are a lot of people out here, want me to come and grab your suitcases? X

Yes please! This is why we are leaving. Sarah is freaking out and I don't feel the most comfortable either! 🤍

Be right there! xx

"Michael is coming here now to take our bags" I reassured Sarah and she nodded, holding my hand.

The woman came back to the desk and handed me a check.

"Sorry about that. Have a nice day both!" She smiled wide and Sarah and I both thanked her.


Sarah and I were now both in the back of the car. I explained to Michael that we didn't feel comfortable there anymore and he didn't blame us.

"Honestly, I'm not surprised. You'll probably see something online later about you both." He told us.

"I know." Sarah sighed looking out the window. I seen she wasn't feeling her best so I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my chest, I stroked her hair and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you sure you're okay love?" I asked her.

"I'm just- I don't know- angry at all of those people for ruining what was meant to be a 'perfect' honeymoon" she explained and I could see a tear roll down her face.

"Hey it's okay, it's not completely ruined. We can go somewhere else. We always have options. Right Michael?" I looked at him from the back seat for reassurance.

"Yes of course. Wherever you both want to go I will get you there no worries" he smiled through the rear mirror at us.

"See? We can do whatever you want my love. If you want to go back home just say the word and we will. I can always book something else" I stroked her arm and she sat up from her position and leaned in to kiss me, which I instantly returned.

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