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Sarah's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Tyla's alarm going off.  It was still dark outside so I gathered it was was still pretty early.

I seen the time on the alarm clock that read 5:45am.  I had to be up soon anyways so I decided to get up with Tyla.

"Sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you up, go back to sleep" Tyla kissed my forehead before sliding out of bed and putting her robe on.

"It's okay, I need to be up soon anyways" I yawned.

"You want breakfast?" Tyla asked, I hummed in response and Tyla made her way down the stairs.

I got out of bed five minutes after her and also grabbed my robe and slipped it on and made my way to the kitchen.

Tyla's POV:

I was Sarah and I both a coffee with our machine we had.  While I was waiting for it to be done I grabbed onto the counter top and arched my back a little to stretch and looked up at the ceiling so my neck wouldn't stiffen during the day.

I heard footsteps approach and seen Sarah coming around the corner.  I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Morning love" her voice was raspy.  I loved her morning voice.

"Morning babe, I've made you a coffee.  Do you want French toast or eggo's, fruit, yogurt a smoothie?" I gave her options.

"Uh.. how about we go out for breakfast and then we can go to the set?" She smirked.  She knows I'm a sucker for restaurant food.

"Is Miss Sarah Paulson asking me on a date?" I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Mmm maybe" she smiled and kissed my nose, I scrunched it up as it tickles and she laughed.

I handed Sarah her coffee and I placed food down for my fur babies.  Sarah walked into our living room and I followed behind her. 

"We haven't sat in here in ages" Sarah mumbled while bringing the cup to her lips.

"I know love, it's because we are never here" I half chuckled and she nodded in agreement.

I grabbed the TV remote before sitting down next to Sarah.  I put on Netflix and we decided to finish off the Netflix show we started ages ago, Prison Break.



"Baby I'm going to get ready" I told Sarah as we were both still sat on the sofa, invested in the series.

She grabbed the remote and paused it.  "Yeah me too".

We both made our way up the stairs and got ready.  I walked into the bathroom and put the shower on as I wanted to be fresh for the day.

"Sar are you joining me?" I yelled as she was in our bedroom.   With the blink of an eye Sarah was standing beside me at the sink.

"I'll take that as a yes" I joked.

I washed Sarah's hair and her body and she did the same to me.

"I heard morning sex is great" I teased.

"Hm me too" Sarah grabbed me to kiss me and her hands roamed all over my body, you can probably guess what happened next... ;)

Sar and I got out the shower and brushed our teeth.  Sarah stayed in there to dry her hair while I headed to the closet to pick out an outfit.  Today I had a meeting in LA, so yes Andrew had to fly me out and I'd be back home later.  We were taking the jet so it would be a quick flight here and there.  Sarah thinks I'm there for doen, opening a new store, little does she know...

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