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Sarah's POV:

It was getting late and everyone was still here on the table at the beach, we were all joking about embarrassing stories and how the hell Tyla kept it a secret for so long from me.

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise.  I think the mission was a success if I'm being comfy honestly" Tyla smirked and chugged back the last of her wine and sat back in her seat, my hand on her thigh. 

"So Tyla.." my Mother started to speak.  "I know the bare minimum about you, I think I need to know who my daughter is marrying" we all chuckled and Tyla repositioned herself.  Her posture now upright and her elbows leaving on the table, leaning forward a little. 

"That depends on what you want to know" Tyla smiled towards my Mother.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes I have a brother and sister, they both live in different states than I. One owns an ice cream factory, and the other is just living life" Tyla nodded and gulped hard, I could see she was nervous. I squeezed her thigh for reassurance, she didn't need to be nervous to speak to my Mother.

"How about your parents? Do you live with them?" Tyla looked over at me and I gave her a sympathetic smile.

Cate could also see Tyla was nervous and spoke into the conversation.

"Tyla's parents got kidnapped a few years back. No one knew what happened to them until recently. They got murdered" Cate looked over at Tyla and she smiled, sadly.

"I'm so sorry dear" my Mother was sympathetic towards Tyla.

"No it's okay honestly".

"I heard you own business'?" Rachel asked.

"Uh yes, I do. You could say I'm a business woman" Tyla shrugged playfully and everyone chuckled.

"I.. also heard that you write and perform music" Liz butted into the conversation.

Tyla chuckled nervously. "Yes I do, I haven't produced a song in a while but I was in my studio at home the other day writing and singing"

"She's very good" I joined in and winked at my woman next to me, she blushed.

The conversation went on until I seen Tyla glance to her left, across from me every few seconds. I looked over and there was her crew. At least 40-50 of them lined up on black motorcycles. Tyla gulped hard, I could tell she didn't want this night to get spoilt.

Tyla's POV:

Oh wtf do they want now. I thought.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm going to have to excuse myself for a moment. Michael?" I looked at the man sat opposite me and he followed my gaze. Standing up and walking over before me. I squeezed Sarah's shoulder before I left the scene and headed over to the mafia. Michael walking beside me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. The crews and the friends at the table.

I walked closer to where Frank, Quinton and Blake were.

"What's going on guys?" I asked. Glancing back at the table and smiling to reassure everyone it's okay.

"Michael good to see you again brother" Frank spoke to Michael.

"You too" Mike smiled.

"We have a problem" Blake blurted.

"Okay well can it wait? I'm in the middle of something" I nodded my head towards the side so they'd see what was behind me.

They all looked and waved to everyone at the table and I rolled my eyes. Surprisingly everyone waved back.

"We have ran out of drvgs to sell, meaning no money can be made and none us can get by" Quinton exclaimed.

"How the hell did you let that happen?" I whisper- yelled.

"Our exporters haven't reached out in days. They were supposed to get here last night and we have to sell in the morning" Frank.

"Okay well ring them and see where they are. Give me your burner I'll ring them" I placed my hand out and Blake handed me the phone.

I walked to the back of everyone in the mafia, all standing on the left side of their bikes, helmets placed on the chair. That was a rule. They had to look professional.

"Hello?" An older man spoke on the phone.

"I have been waiting for your shipment for the last few hours. I don't condone this behaviour. Where the fvck are you?!" I yelled down the phone.

"There was a fault with the boat Miss, I'm 30 minutes out from docs. I'm trying as fast as I can to get there" the man sounded scared on the other end of the line.

"When you get here you want to hope you don't get killed. Everyone will be waiting for you and you will not get your pay this month. You understand?" A serious tone approached in my voice.

"Yes ma'am" his voice shook.

I ended the phone and gave it back to Quinton.

"Really? You all came out here just to tell me that? Why didn't you ring him yourselves assholes" I dryly chuckled.

"He wasn't picking up Tyla that's why we rushed down here" Quinton.

"Assholes. He said he's 40 minutes out and I told him he's expecting all of you. Don't give him his cut because I told him he isn't having it for a month. Put the fear into him. Aaaand before you leave, at the end of this week I'm expecting my cut. I'll swing by" I explained and they all nodded.

"Goodnight Baldwin" Frank did a little salute and I waved.

"Let's go!" Blake shouted to everyone else and in unison they all put their helmets on at the same time and drove off.

"That was pointless" Michael huffed.

"You're telling me" I sighed, heading back to the table.

I sat back down and Sarah spoke aloud. "Everything okay hon?" Now all eyes were on me.

"Yes of course. Just some people don't know to pick up a phone and dial" I smiled and the people in ear shot giggled.


The night had ended and Andrew flew everyone back the next morning. I said my goodbyes to all my friends and Sarah's family.

"Now you love birds have a good week and keep it PG" Catherine spoke to Sarah and I and we nodded.

Sarah chucked. "Goodbye Mom, I'll talk to you soon".

Sarah's POV:

I followed Tyla into the kitchen and she let out Beau and Bonnie to go play.

I stared down at my ring, completely compelled by it. I loved it so much. I was in deep thought until Tyla placed her hand on my shoulder.


"I said are you okay love?" Tyla asked and I nodded. Then my eyebrows knitted together.

"What is it?" Tyla looked at me.

"This ring. I know it was expensive Tyla and you didn't need to spend that much" I looked down at the floor, feeling guilty on how much she spent on me.

"Look Sar, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Money means nothing when it comes to you. Plus I'm earning that money back at the end of the week, so stop worrying. Your hand is worth a couple grand now" Tyla winked and I smirked.

"You're the best" I hugged Tyla and she snaked herself arms around my waist almost instant.

"I know" she spoke sarcastically and I smacked her ass.

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