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Tyla's POV:

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TyBaldwin: all downhill from here❄️
tagged: mssarahcatherinepaulson

usera: oh ur all livin my life😩
userb: @usera literally!!

cateblanchett: mothers meeting in action

badgalriri: i wish i could be there rn and not in the studio🙄

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"Hey Tyla get back over here we are heading back to get cocoa" Blanchett shouted to me and I gave her a thumbs up.

Everyone had their own snowmobile accept Sarah and Bird as they both wanted to share one and neither of them knew how to drive one so they thought it would be a marvellous idea. Spoiler; it was not. I had to teach them how to ride one which was fun because they couldn't get the hang of it until I explained it the fifth time.

"Tyla wait for us!" Sandra shouted and I looked behind me and they were all sat on their mobiles trying to start them up. This was entertaining to watch. After a few moments everyone was ready to go and they all followed me and each other in single file to get back to the hut where hot cocoa was being sold.

We reached the hut after ten minutes and all grabbed a cup each. We drank our drinks there and all talked about how they were all bad at riding a snowmobile.

"Okay i wasn't that bad, I was practically up Tyla's arse. I was right behind her!" Awkwafina defended herself and we all giggled.

"Sure, when I looked back you were all miles behind me!"

"Because I was waiting for the others, duh!"

I walked over to Sarah who was next to bird and Annie.

"Hey Tyl" Annie greeted me.

"Hiiii, so have you all enjoyed yourselves so far?" I asked everyone while wrapping my arm around Sarah's waist.

"I've loved it!"

Everyone shouted out at the same time. We have been out in Switzerland for a week now and tomorrow was our last day. We all just wanted a catch up and get away from the US for a while. We haven't done a lot out here other than snowboarding, skiing and today was driving the snowmobiles. It was kinda a last minute thing, even though I promised to take Sarah a few weeks back.

"How are you so good at everything Tyla?" Amanda asked me while blowing onto her drink as it was very hot.

"I used to take yearly trips when I was younger with my family. Skiing and snowboarding was part of the activities we all used to do" I smiled while sipping the cocoa which was in my hands.

"This one sure is a keeper Sar" Amanda nudged my love and I giggled and Sarah blushed. 

We all decided to go back to the hotel near we were staying in which was a 10 minute drive from the mountains.

Sarah, Amanda and I shared a room while Cate, Sandra, Annie and Awkwafina shared another. 

"Hey guys I'm gonna take a shower" Amanda called out and locked the bathroom door behind her. 

"Don't be long Bird because I want one!" Sarah yelled back. 

I made a move on packing mine and Sarah's suitcase, throwing in everything we have already worn and didn't need for later or tomorrow.  I of course left out spare clothes so we can change later and in the morning but everything else was being packed away.

"Are you going to wear this tonight?" I asked Sarah.

"Huh? Wait, w-what's tonight?" She asked with a questionable look on her face.


"Uh you know just in case we all go out for food"

"Tyla, have you booked something that I- we don't know about?" She asked again cocking an eyebrow and coming closer.

"Uh maybe, it was meant to be a low- key surprise dinner but obviously it just slipped out" I scratched the back of my neck.

"You are so bad at keeping secrets" Sarah giggled and grabbed my face to kiss me on my lips.

"Well is it a casual dinner or fancy?  Or is it just a McDonalds and you was pulling my leg this whole time?" 

"Yeah McDonalds drive thru" I sarcastically replied and Sarah hit my arm playfully and rolled her eyes.

"No it a fancy dinner, I've already booked it and I'm paying for everyone so I beg you not to try and make me splash my cash" I dramatically fell to the floor and held my hands together to show I was begging.

Sarah burst out laughing.  "For that sh¡t performance I'm going to spend every dime in your pocket" she winked.

I stood back up and took Sarah into my embrace, arms wrapped around her back.  "You can have whatever you like my love" I kissed her forehead and she melted into it.

A/N- let's just pretend it's the cast and u.  k bye.

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tybaldwin:  i told them to dress nice.. not super fvckin' hot smh.

usera: oh wow im livin for this

userb:  ok im defo gay
tybaldwin: @userb gay is the way my friend;)

lesliegrossman:  this is too much!!!🤩

anniehathaway:  we look abso-fvckin-lutely stunning😌

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