Tyla's POV:

Everyone was dancing and singing along to "Little Lies" and for me, I was at the bar getting another drink.  I grabbed one for Sarah too as I know she loves alcohol almost as much as she loves me ;). 

I went to return to the dance floor to where Sarah was at but when I reached the spot she was nowhere to be found.  FML.

I asked a few people if they've seen her and they all shook their heads no.

I made my way around the land outside and tried calling her name but there was no sign.

I seen Cate, Sandra and Annie by the pool talking so I walked over. 

"Ah here she is." Cate smiled and leaned in for a hug. 

I pulled back after a few seconds.  "Have you guys seen Sarah?" I asked them and they shook their heads.

"Come on we will help you find her" Sandra took one of the drinks from my hand and downed it.

We all made our way now around the house and finally made our way to the upstairs library.  I could hear whispers so I told the others to be quiet as we all slowly walked towards the door. 

"She ain't going to find out Sarah." I could faintly hear.  "What she gonna do?  Kill me?"

All of us put our ears to the door and we could hear almost everything.

"Holland she's my wife.  I'm not going to cheat on her with you or with anyone.  Fuck sake we just got married!" Sarah yelled. 

I now had a tear threatening to fall from my eye, scared of what would happen next.

"I know you still love me Sarah."

"That's where you're wrong, Holland.  I love Tyla."

Nothing was said for a while so I handed Cate the other drink that was still in my hand and opened the door. 

There in front of me was the woman I loved and her ex, Holland practically eating each other's faces.  Sarah's dress was down to her hips and Hollands hand on her boob.  At this point I felt sick and immediately walked away, picking up the pace, leading me running to my room.  I locked the door and went into my bathroom.  After a few moments I could hear my name being shouted by a number of people all outside my door now banging on it.  I ignored it and went into my closet.  I don't know what I was going to do, just sit here maybe.

Instead I packed a few things into a suitcase. 

Luckily for me, the secret safe in my closet had an escape tunnel under the rug so I put my suitcase in first and then made my way down.  It was dark down here so I put my phone light on and made me way through. 

I got to the other end and opened the door that led me into my garage.  I know I shouldn't drink and drive, but fuck it.  Right?

I took the a set of keys from the safe on the wall and closed it back up.  I opened the trunk of the car and put my suitcase in and then walked around to the drivers seat.  I put my keys into the ignition and opened the garage doors and of course shut them back up and off I went. 

There were people outside and a few looked and pointed at me in the car but I proceeded to drive down the road to the bottom of the estate and unlocked the gates.

I didn't know where I was going or did I have a plan, I just kept driving.  Good job I didn't drink too much.


Sarah's POV: 

I've never felt more shame than I did right now in my life.  I was drunk and Holland came onto me and before I knew it Tyla was standing in the doorway with Cate, Sandra and Annie. 

I remember seeing Tyla walk away and the others stayed there, making sure Holland left.   Later she was in fact escorted out of the mansion by Frank and then Michael. 

I pulled my dress back over my shoulders and fell on my knees on the floor.  The three of them came in and disappointment and confusion took over their face.

"I don't know why you had the sudden urge to come up here with Holland and then.. kiss her, but you've broken Tyla's heart." Cate spoke and I sobbed more.

"I-I didn't even realise it was her until I was already in here, I could barely see who was dragging me out from the crowd and through the people on the staircase." I spoke between sniffles.

"Let's just hope Tyla forgives you, because you've probably just broke her and broke her trust into a million pieces." Sandra said to me and I nodded, wiping my nose which was now running.

They helped me up from the ground and we all quickly ran to Tyla and I's bedroom as that's where we heard the door slam shut. 

"Shit, there's a lock on our door from the inside with a code.  We can't get in." I sobbed harder.

"Tyla!  Let us in."  Anne shouted but there was no response.  There wasn't a sound made in that room.

"Baby please, I'm sorry." I banged on the door again and again now breaking my own heart. 

"Give her time to calm down Sar, the girls probably scarred for life right now." Sandra placed her hand on my shoulder and I shook my head. 

"No I need to apologise."  I looked down, tears now falling on the floor. 

Tyla's POV:

I was still driving, my phone connected to the Bluetooth and I had my windows rolled down.  "Somebody else" was blaring through the car speakers and I screamed my heart out to the song. 

I was still in shock of what I saw.  Did Sarah really mean all the 'I love you's?' And what she said to Holland, was it true?  A bunch of questions was running through my head and my brain was doing overtime.

I finally stopped driving after I ended up at the pier.  It was quiet.  Not a soul was in sight and I loved that.  I parked my car in an empty space and took up two lanes as there was no other vehicles here.

I opened the little compartment of my car and took out a cigarette, brought it up to my lips and lit it.  I inhaled it and then blew the smoke out, repeating this until it was nothing left.  I chucked it on the floor and stomped on it. 

I leaned on the bonnet of my car and watched the waves crash onto the shore.  The sound and the motion of the ocean calmed me down a little, my chest didn't feel so tight and I could breath a little better. 

I felt rebellious in this moment so I made my way down to the sea, took off all my clothing and ran into the freezing cold water.  I had goosebumps at first but they went after a while, the coldness of the water refreshed me in a way and it felt nice on my skin.  I never taught I'd be skinny dipping on my own, but here I am...

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♡︎Liked by mssarahcatherinepaulson and 7,356, 689 others                         

tybaldwin:  skinny dipping on your own>>>
thank you to the fan who took this XO


usera:  why on ur own? 
userb: @usera i was thinking the same thing🤔
cateblanchett: message me rn ty X

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