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*time skip 2 weeks*

Tyla's POV:

It was nearly time for the girls to head home, they were only staying for 2 more nights and then heading home. We have all had a great time chilling and partying, and drinking, well them mostly as I've had business to take care of with my company's and my on side business (mafia). I've spent most of my time with Sarah, I didn't want her to leave, I haven't seen her in five years and it felt almost nostalgic seeing her again. I've been so happy while she's been here. Our time together contained a lot of sex and laughter. Which I ain't complaining of course.


My alarm went off and I quietly woke up so I could make everyone breakfast, this would be the last morning meal they were all having at my place since I offered to take them all out for brunch tomorrow, a fancy one for my girls. Thought I'd spoil them for keeping me company these last few weeks.

I headed downstairs in my pjs and silk robe, I placed food down for my babies and let them outside to play. I grabbed what I needed for breakfast and started.

It's been an hour later and I finally finished cooking. I placed a few bowls of fresh, cut fruit on my long dining table, along with pancakes (blueberry and chocolate), breakfast waffles, yoghurt, bacon and syrup. I grabbed orange and apple juice from the fridge and poured them both into separate glass jugs, I did the same with milk and wheeled in the coffee machine on the food cart. By the side was cubes of sugar and teaspoons so they could help themselves and didn't have to go far for their needs.

I walked upstairs and knocked on all their doors to tell them breakfast was ready. I got to Sarah's door and let myself in. I walked over to her angelic figure that was covered in the duvet sheets and sat by the side of her, I kissed her cheek and tucked the strands of hair behind her ears that was covering her beautiful face. I didn't want to wake her, she looked so peaceful but I didn't want her to starve.

"Hey Sar breakfast is ready" I half whispered.

She stirred a little and let out a groan. A groan which indicated she was not ready to get up. I chuckled lightly and pinched her cheeks softly and she opened her eyes.

"Good morning Angel" I slipped out, she smiled and greeted me back.

I repeated that breakfast was done and she told me to go down ahead and she would be there soon so I agreed.

I slid out of her room and made my way to the dining area where the rest of the group was.

"Tyla this is a lot of food, it all looks amazing!"Annie was shocked. I softly smiled and sat next to Cate.

"There's coffee over on the cart along with sugar and teaspoons and the milk is there" I pointed and everyone nodded.

A few moments later Sarah joined us all and took a seat next to me, her eyes widened from how much food was in front of her.

"Right? Tyla really outdone herself" Sandy spoke towards Sarah and she nodded sitting down. We all talked about our time here and how sad we all are that they are leaving very soon. I looked over at Sarah and she looked sad. I placed my hand on her thigh to look at me and she did. I gave her a sympathetic smile and she half smiled back, her eyes were glossy.

I changed the topic because I knew no one wanted to leave but they all had their own lives to get back too and their partners and children.

"So are we all still on tomorrow for breakfast at the Lovisa?" I asked the table and they all hummed in response.


Since it was really sunny out everyone decided to go out by the pool and sunbathe and talk. I was about to join then until I looked out the window and didn't see the blonde who stayed in the room next to me. I left my room and knocked on her door.

"Come in" she shouted.

I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Hey, why aren't you out with everyone else?" I asked her while making my way over to where she was led, which was in her bed.

"I just don't fancy it. I also burn very badly" she lied through her teeth. I call bullshit.

"Oh well you can always ask for sunscreen" I chucked but her face stayed the same. Blank and upset.

"It's okay, imma just stay in today" Sarah.

"Tell me the truth, why aren't you out with them?" I asked again and she started tearing up.

She sniffed as her nose was starting to run.

"I just don't want to leave you again. I finally found you and I can't stay with you or-" I stopped her talking with a passionate kiss and she accepted by kissing me back. I slowly pulled away and started talking.

"Hey" I pulled her close to me, looking into her eyes and she looked into mine.

"I'm always going to be here, in this house. You can visit anytime you want Sarah. You can just message me and I'll send Andrew to come and pick you up. You can spend as long as you want here" I explained and she nodded.

"But I don't want to go back, my life is a mess back home. With work, with Holland always pestering me. All my problems went away when I first walked in here" she sniffed and laid her head onto my chest and I caressed her hair.

"Then don't go back, stay here. Stay with me. I'll look after you and you'd be doing me a favour keeping me company" I spoke softly and heard her weep on my chest, feeling her tears on my skin.

"I wouldn't want to burden you" she said between tears.

"You wouldn't be, I mean my life isn't all flowers and rainbows here but I would do my best to protect you and make you feel safe and happy" Tyla.

"What about all my things at home? My friends? My work? I can't live off of you Tyla"

"Here's the plan.. we will both fly out with the rest of them, I'll ask Michael to come with us and we can hire a car, we will drive to your place, we can see Amanda and finish up everything there before we come back home. If you still want to work, I mean I do have a production business and an agency I can hook you up with and you can find work here, I'll email Mr Murphy on your behalf and explain" I spoke out.

Sarah looked up at me confused.

"Mr Murphy? As in Ryan Murphy?"

"Uh yes? I've done work for him before" I laughed and so did the blonde who was now starting at me in disbelief.

"Is there anything or people you can't do or know?" She asked jokingly.

"I mean I don't know the Queen personally.." I giggled, this made her giggle.

"Okay then, I guess we could do that" the blonde confirmed and I hugged her tightly and she soon returned it.

We made our way outside and joined each the others.

"About time stop having sex 24/7" Cate shouted out I flipped her off. She was behind the outside bar and made Sarah and I a cocktail each.

The rest of the day was spent outside, sipping cocktails and laughing at embarrassing stories of each other. It was nearly 8pm so I ordered us all Indian food and we headed inside to eat it.

After eating and still drinking cocktails which Cate kept making we all headed back into our rooms and Sarah came into mine. We were tired so we both changed into our pjs and went to sleep. I was spooning Sarah and dragging my finger up and down her arm, soon enough she fell asleep so I turned the lamp off and slept too.

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